Learning, growing and caring as part of God’s family
Our Vision in Action
At Scotforth St. Paul’s, we pride ourselves on helping all children to flourish. We aim to provide the children with a loving, stimulating and supportive environment where they can feel safe, secure and valued as individuals. We understand that each child is unique and we celebrate our differences.
We aim to develop in the children life-long skills and positive attitudes to learning. Our curriculum is engaging, practical and builds on knowledge as the children move through school. We ensure all children have access to it by adapting to individual needs. Resilience and independence are key skills that we want our children to have and as such, our curriculum is developed around activities that encourage their use. We use the outdoors as a learning environment, fostering both an appreciation of our local environment and children’s well-being. There is a strong uptake of a range of lunchtime and after-school clubs which develop a wide variety of skills and interests eg. Knitting, korfball and construction clubs. We take opportunities to learn from the wider community by involving ourselves in projects such as Pupil Parliament, Be the Change and Peace Proms.
We provide opportunities for children to grow socially, morally and spiritually as well as in knowledge. Children here know that we want the best for them and relationships between children and staff are positive and respectful. Behaviour across school is excellent and children have a fantastic attitude towards their learning. We strive to be ready, respectful and safe.
As children move through Scotforth St. Paul’s School, they take on more responsibility and seek out ways to support the younger children or their peers. Younger children enjoy the support of Year 6 Playleaders at lunchtime and children are supported in providing activities for younger children, for example a lunchtime art club. School councillors, House Leaders, Buddies and the Worship team play an active role in making the school the happy, kind place it is.
The Eco group provides opportunities for children to have a positive impact on our school and local area and JAM club offers children the space and time to explore faith.
The priority in Scotforth St. Paul’s is to ensure that everyone in school feels safe and happy. Our nurturing school provides support for children as and when they need it. As well as the support of class teachers and teaching assistants, our Learning Mentor works with a range of outside agencies to provide individual support for children and families. Where it is needed, children can also spend time with our play therapist.
The best way to learn more about our vision in action is to come and visit us. Ring the school office to make an appointment. Our blog is also a great way to gain a feel for what it is like to be part of our school.