We welcome visitors to the school. If you are considering Scotforth St Paul's for your child, please ring the School Office on 01524 65379 to arrange a visit with Mrs Walsh, Headteacher. We also hold an Open Day annually in October, to which you would be very welcome.
As a church school, applications for places in our reception class should be made via Lancashire County Council's website www.lancashire.gov.uk (search 'school admissions'). Pease scroll down this page to see our admission policy and catchment area maps.
For further information regarding the application process, please contact the Pupil Access Unit on 01524 581112
Scotforth St Paul’s CE Primary and Nursery School Vision
Learning, growing and caring as part of God’s family.
Jesus (the gardener) nourishes and tends us as we learn and grow, so that we can all flourish. As a vine, we are one, but all unique and special to Him. We care for each other, as God cares for us.
Please use the above link to see if your house is within the Scotforth Ecclesiastical Parish.