21 Mar

Year 3 & 4 Korfball tournament 2025

On Thursday, Year 3 & 4 attended a Korfball tournament at Moorside School. The children (and Miss Smith!) had a great time playing this game which was new to many of them. We did not get through to the final but really enjoyed ourselves and played enthusiastically and with a positive, sporting…

13 Mar

Division Grab in Year 3

We are learning about dividing with remainders and today played a fun game called Division Grab. We grabbed a handful of cube or counters and the put them into groups of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8. We got lots of points when there were lots of remainders. We found out that some numbers (like 23) gave us…

7 Mar

Loving reading on World Book Day 2025

We had a great time today celebrating books and reading. We had a book cafe with some wonderful parents coming in to read to us. We also read the books we have been writing, in English, to our friends in Reception. We enjoyed a book trail around the school and even had time to fit in an online…

27 Feb

Making our own Eva Rothschild inspired sculptures!

We have been learning about the abstract sculptures of Eva Rothschild and today we made our own. We had to really concentrate to make sure they had stability and could stay up! We really enjoyed it as you can see by our photographs.

13 Feb

Benchball Intransports with Y3&4

Today, we have taken part in our Y3/4 Intra sports. We played bench ball and had to work as a team to score points. We used tactics and spatial awareness to outwit our opponents.

7 Feb

Exploring magnets in Year 3

We have been learning about magnetism in science and today we tested the strength of different sized and different shaped magnets. We predicted which magnets would be strongest and measured their strength by counting how many objects were attracted to them.

7 Feb

Year 3/4 Writing Workshop 2025

Today four children from Year 3 and 4 attended a writer's workshop at Bowerham School led by the writer David Webb.  They had a really great day and learnt some great writing techniques.


7 Feb

Finding mistakes in history (anachronisms!)

We have been learning and researching all about the Stone Age and today we looked at a picture which had some historical mistakes (anachronisms) in them.  We had to try to find all 20 mistakes.  It was hard but we managed it!


7 Feb

Year 3 are getting good at counting in 8s!

This week we have been practising counting in 8s and have really enjoyed the 8x table song.

31 Jan

Making sculptures inspired by Barbara Hepworth

We have been learning about the amazing artist, Barbara Hepworth, who was a sculptor inspired by natural landscapes and materials. We looked at her art work and designed our own sculptures based on her famous work, The Family of Man. We worked really well in groups to shape and attach our boxes.…

16 Jan

Prehistoric Workshop in Year 3

Today we had a very special visitor, Professor Tuesday, who is an expert in prehistoric Britain. We made a human timeline showing all the different periods of British history from the Stone Age to modern Britain. We also looked at artefacts and worked out what they told us about the Stone Age,…

15 Jan

Becoming Bird Nest Builders by Year 3

Today we were joined by three expert outdoor teachers.  They set us the challenge to build a bird’s nest for a pigeon and its egg. We had to make our nest sturdy and strong, waterproof, and wind proof. We worked in groups and could use materials that we found in the outdoor area. We had to be very…