Sewing our decorations pt.1
This morning, we began making our decorations with the help of a returning Mrs Brown!

Niscu RE lesson
This afternoon, Year 2 and Year 3 had a great, interactive lesson from Niscu all about the Christmas story.

Cutting skills for our DT decoration
This afternoon, we were practising our cutting skills for when we make a decoration next week. We were very careful and trying to cut as neatly as possible.

Adding two two digit numbers
This morning, Year 2 were using base 10 to add two two digit numbers together. They were amazing at it and soon moved onto adding without the base 10!

Dragon hunting and prepositions
This afternoon, Year 2 went dragon hunting around the school. We found quite a few and we’re using prepositions to describe where we found them.
under the cone
behind the book shelf
amongst the books
Colour mixing and firework art
This afternoon, we were mixing primary colours to make the secondary colours. We then used all the colours to make firework art.

1666 architecture drawing
Today, we have been looking at buildings from 1666 and using our observation skills to make detailed drawings of them for a 3D diorama.

Place Value investigation
This morning, Year 2 were investigating how many numbers they could make with only six pieces of Base 10. It was a challenge to find all of them!

Resilience challenge
This afternoon, Year 2 were challenged to make a free standing structure with art straws and nothing else. They had to be resilient and not give up if they fell down. I was very impressed.

Y1 Yogi
We had a lovely, relaxing and peaceful Yogi experience today. Just what we all needed coming to the end of term. Thank you

DT -playgrounds
We enjoyed looking at the shapes we needed to use to help make our structures stronger. We designed our structures and discussed how we can join the models to make them move.

Cheerleading in Y1
Thank you to Bay Stormers who came in and gave us a taster session on cheerleading.