Assessment at Scotforth St Paul’s Primary School, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2
Teachers are continually checking children's understanding during lessons and use these observations to support their learning. This is usually referred to as "assessment for learning". In most foundation subjects, children's knowledge of a topic is assessed at the beginning of a unit of work and then again at the end, to check how much they have learnt. More formal assessment of children's learning in English and maths takes place at the end of each term (ie three times a year), using standardised tests specific to each year group.
Children are expected to enter the Year at the age appropriate level (Entering.) Within the three terms, children are expected to reach “Secure” for their age group. An ideal scenario of progression would be:
Autumn: Entering
Spring: Developing
Summer: Secure or in the case of the able and gifted, Confident
Not all children may reach Secure at the end of each year. All children are tracked and interventions put in place in order to close the attainment gap for those children not working at the expected level. This will be done through pupil progress meetings. If a child reaches Secure in Spring term, the expectations is to widen and broaden the learning experiences in the year and to apply the knowledge learnt.
Children in Y2 and Y6 will also continue to take the statutory end of Key Stage National tests.
Reporting to parents
Parents have the opportunity to discuss their child's progress at the parents' consultation meetings which are held in the autumn term and spring term. Following the issuing of end of year written reports, parents have an opportunity to meet with their child's class teacher and their next teacher at the end of the summer term.