27 Mar


The children who have been having Rocksteady lessons performed their songs in a lively concert today. It was great to see their confidence and their friends supporting them.

26 Mar

Tag Rugby Tournament

A team of 8 Year 5s and 6s went to the interschools tag rugby tournament this afternoon. After a tense couple of play-off matches, we ended up second in our pool. All our games were very close scores. Unfortunately we lost our semi- final match, but came 3rd overall. The whole team worked really…

25 Mar

Year 6 find out about Eucharist.

Today Year 6 took a walk in the sunshine to visit church. Reverend Catherine explained to us how a Eucharist service at St. Paul's is carried out. We discussed the symbolism of some of the items used and explored the links between the Jewish Passover, Jesus' Last Supper with his disciples and the…

21 Mar

Mental Health Champions

On Friday we went to the University of Cumbria. We learnt all about having healthy bodies and happy minds. We did some mindful drawing, team building tasks and played some fun playground games. We also went for a walk and spoke about how we can check in on people and how chatting to someone can…

21 Mar

Year 3 & 4 Korfball 2025

On Thursday, Year 3 & 4 attended a Korfball tournament at Moorside School. The children (and Miss Smith!) had a great time playing this game which was new to many of them. We did not get through to the final but really enjoyed ourselves and played enthusiastically and with a positive, sporting…

21 Mar

Year 3 & 4 Korfball tournament 2025

On Thursday, Year 3 & 4 attended a Korfball tournament at Moorside School. The children (and Miss Smith!) had a great time playing this game which was new to many of them. We did not get through to the final but really enjoyed ourselves and played enthusiastically and with a positive, sporting…

19 Mar

Bikeability 2025

The sun shone every day for Year 6 as they spent much of the week outside, honing their cycling skills, with the help of the Bikeability instructors. They practised various skills in controlling their bikes before learning how to signal and turn safely. After finding out about the rules of cycling…

17 Mar

Viking Day 2025!

Today we held Year 5’s Viking Day.

We started off by learning about how the Vikings travelled and what was so special about their Longboats. We then had a go at creating our own, decorating them with sails and shields. 

We then found out about the Nordic Paganism. We learnt about the…

14 Mar

Seeing spots

Today, we continued our work on Yayoi Kusama and looked at different techniques for creating dots. We used paint and different tools, pastels, felt tips and collage. 

14 Mar

An investigation - Which surfaces create the most friction?

We used the Newton meters to pull our bags across different surfaces. We found out that concrete and astroturf created the most friction as it took more force to move the bags across these surfaces.

13 Mar

Division Grab in Year 3

We are learning about dividing with remainders and today played a fun game called Division Grab. We grabbed a handful of cube or counters and the put them into groups of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8. We got lots of points when there were lots of remainders. We found out that some numbers (like 23) gave us…

13 Mar

Year 5 and 6 Intra-sports

We went out in the sunshine to take part in our Intrasports competition this afternoon. Thank you and well done to the Year 6 Sports Captains for organising our activities.