17 Jun

Recording and changing our voice

We used Audacity to record our voices and edit them. This is part of our podcasting unit. 

14 Jun

Year 5&6 go to see Peter and the Wolf

Today Year 5&6 went to the Lancaster Town Hall to watch a performance of Peter and the Wolf by Prokofiev. It told the story of a boy called Peter and his encounter with a wolf.  Each of the characters had different instruments representing them. The flutes were birds, the oboe was a duck and the…

14 Jun

Year 5&6 Peter and the Wolf trip

Today Year 5&6 went to the Lancaster Town Hall to watch a performance of Peter and the Wolf by Prokofiev. It told the story of a boy called Peter and his encounter with a wolf.  Each of the characters had different instruments representing them. The flutes were birds, the oboe was a duck and the…

13 Jun

Y6 Local history day

The sun shone for Year 6 today as they walked into Lancaster. Having learned about the development of the settlement of Lancaster in class, we followed our maps (both a modern OS map and a 1610 version) down the A6 before walking past White Cross then down Penny Street and Market Street up to the…

11 Jun

Sounds and sights of the rainforest!

Today we started our new geography topic - Wonders of the Rainforest!  We listened to the sound of a tropical rainforest and drew what we could hear or imagine. We then wrote down our ideas about rainforests and what we already know.  We are looking forward to learning lots…

11 Jun

Developing texture vocabulary for our nature poems

We continued our exploration of nature today by doing a texture touching challenge of natural things in the school grounds. We used words like rough, silky, jagged, downy and serrated to describe the things we felt. We will use some of these words in our nature poems.


10 Jun

Year 4 Art

Last half term Year 4 looked at two different artists. Friedensreich Hundertwasser and Karla Gerard. Hundertwasser was Austrian and Karla Gerard is American. Hundertwasser was also an architect designing lots of unusual buildings in Vienna.

The children practised their drawing skills by…

7 Jun


We carefully wrote code to make a painting programme. We had to debug as we went along. 

6 Jun

Athens or Sparta? Which city-state would you prefer to live in?

We have been discussing the pros and cons for living in the Greek city-states of Athens or Sparta. We sorted a variety of statements into hoops to make a Venn diagram and decided which city-state we would have preferred to live in.

6 Jun

Investigating Dorrington Woods! (Y3)

In English, we are reading the book "The Lost Words" which is full of poems about nature nouns like bluebells and conkers.  Today we investigated Dorrington Woods to find some nature nouns of our own.  Even on the walk there we were amazed by the way that plants and animals can thrive in really…

6 Jun

A sunny day!

We love our concertina doors. We can use the outdoors all through the day whatever the weather.

5 Jun

Y1 School Trip Dalton

We had an amazing day at the zoo. We fed the giraffes, monkeys and touched the snake. We learnt all about the animal groups and also discussed the animal diets.