13 Jan

Supertato arrived to save the day.

Our book for the next few weeks is Supertato, we have made superhero masks and capes just in case evil pea finds our classroom. Today we arrived to school and Supertato and his vegetables are here to save the day in case evil pea arrives. 

10 Jan

Investigating and Making Arrays in Year 3 (2024)

We have been investigating arrays in our new maths topic of multiplication and division.  We wrote x facts to go with the arrays and some of us also showed the link between multiplication and repeated addition. We were very creative in choosing which objects we used to make our…

10 Jan

Gymnastics in Y4

We have been learning counter balances in our PE lesson today. Coach Millie has been teaching us how to use a partner to create balances.

9 Jan

Trying cave art in charcoal

Today we read the book ‘The First Drawing’ which is all about the first art that humans made, using charcoal, in caves. We had a go at drawing our own animals from the Stone Age using charcoal. It was not easy as charcoal is very smudgy but we were very pleased with our pictures.

9 Jan

Conscience Alley in Year 5

We have been working on giving advice to help someone make a decision. We used the conscience alley technique. 
We took turns to be Alex (the main character from our new novel). Listening to the whispered advice from our friends, we had to decide whether to be a spy or not. 
In the book, Alex is…

9 Jan

Acting out our new book - Stone Age Boy

We have started our new class book - Stone Age Boy - which is all about a little boy who time travels to the Stone Age and meets a little girl there. Today we acted out some of the scenes where they meet. We then wrote down what we thought they might be thinking or saying to each other. 

9 Jan

Rubbish investigation!

In our Stone Age topic, we are learning about the roles of historians and archaeologists and how they use evidence to find out about the past. Today we worked in groups to look through a bag of rubbish from one of the classes in school. Each group had a different bag and we were able to work out…

9 Jan

Learning about Electricity

Today, we have started our Science unit on ‘Electricity’. We discussed what an ‘appliance’ is and which appliances use electricity. We sorted different appliances into those that use mains powered electricity and those that use battery powered using a Venn diagram. We also looked at the different…

8 Jan

How long?! A timeline of prehistoric Britain

Our history topic this half-term is about the changes between the Stone Age and the Iron Age in Britain. Today we found out how vast the prehistoric period was, using a toilet roll!! Each sheet represented 5,000 years and we needed to open the whole toilet roll to show how far back the beginning…

7 Jan

Making animations

This afternoon, we were learning about animations and how they still pictures played quickly. We used the app Pivot animator to make simple animations of a stick man.

19 Dec

Carol service 2024

Term came to a close this afternoon with the whole school going to church for our carol service. Year 6 lead the service, focussing on gifts - especially God’s gift of Jesus to the world at Christmas. They were also helped by a staff band and a signing choir.

19 Dec

Year 3s getting ready for Christmas!

Forget Santa’s eleven, in Year 3 we have been busily preparing for Christmas and the holidays! We have been making packaging in DT, cutting out gingerbread biscuits, creating 3-D Christmas shapes from nets, making cards and calendars. We’ve also fitted in a music concert, an online writing…