6 Feb

The Great Scotforth Bake-off

Wednesday was our bake off competition. What a lot of entries and judges! Thanks to all the parents who helped in any way.

We had so many cakes we managed two cake sales. Look out for the total raised towards our children’s kitchen. 

3 Feb

Making Bread y1

We read “The Little Red Hen” and spoke about how she made the bread and the skills needed to do it. We thought we would try it for ourselves. 
We looked at the skills of mixing, kneading and rolling. Our bread tasted so delicious and smelt amazing 

3 Feb

People Who Help Us

Thank you to another Mummy who came into school today. She told us about her job and how she helped people every day. She discussed how dangerous medicines could be and how we should always ask an adult. 
She also showed us how she helped people in Mozambique to build a working well. This meant…

31 Jan

Making sculptures inspired by Barbara Hepworth

We have been learning about the amazing artist, Barbara Hepworth, who was a sculptor inspired by natural landscapes and materials. We looked at her art work and designed our own sculptures based on her famous work, The Family of Man. We worked really well in groups to shape and attach our boxes.…

31 Jan

Being Scientists

Today in Year 5 we have been training to be Scientists. Dr Rigby came from Lancaster University to teach us about bacteria in the digestive system. We used microscopes to look at the intestine of a mouse and found out about good and bad bacteria and why we need both of these in our gut. 
Luke and…

31 Jan

Using colour in our portraits like Picasso

This afternoon, we have been inspired by Pablo Picasso to show feeling in our portraits. We have used warm and cool colours to show happiness or sadness.

29 Jan

Classification in Year 6!

In science this term we are looking at classification of living things. To help us think about the questions needed in a classification key we played ‘Who am I?’ with living things we may find on a woodland walk. We were allowed to ask yes or no questions and once we found out who we were we had…

28 Jan

Passover 2025

Today year 6 re-enacted a Seder meal to help us remember the significance of this important festival to Jews today. We tried the symbolic food and drink and found some were far more appetising than others! We also set a place for Elijah and opened the door to welcome him in. We enjoyed looking for…

27 Jan


Each week we are going to put on our wellies and go for a walk under the trees. This week we have been exploring. Some children weren’t very keen to walk in the mud. We will be helping each other to make a den next week using our teamwork and super kind hands to share resources.

27 Jan

The Great Bird Count

This year we sprinkled some cake crumbs to attract the birds. We saw two gulls, two crows and one child saw an owl!

27 Jan

Nurse visit.

We had a lovely visit from a nurse. She told us what nurses do and she even showed us how to put bandages, slings and plasters on. We are now all ready to be nurses in our hospital role play. 

24 Jan

Making rectilinear shapes

Today, we were set the challenge of creating different rectilinear shapes using 12 matchsticks. We had to make different shapes and then work out the perimeter of each shape.