Year 6 learned lots about air resistance and gravity today, as they investigated how the size of a parachute affects the speed in which a basket descends from a height!
We dropped each basket (one without a parachute, one with a small parachute, and one with a large parachute) from the same height and timed how long it took to reach the ground. We understood that in order to alleviate anomalies, we should drop each basket at least 3 times and find the average time of the drops. The wind came out to play but we were savvy enough to spot how this affected the results and altered the path of the baskets and so our results were not necessarily reliable.
In order to control this variable, some children decided to spend some time at play time with Miss Parlane, dropping the baskets from a height indoors, to see if they could retrieve more accurate and ‘true’ results.
Well done, Year 6!