Today we said goodbye to our wonderful Year 6 class. Yesterday they enjoyed sharing their memories and achievements during our Leavers’ Service in St. Paul’s church. Several children also received awards (see this week’s newsletter for details). It was lovely to welcome back last year’s recipients who passed on their awards and shared their experiences of Year 7 and high school.
Today Year 6 were able to spend time together, signing their shirts, writing messages in their memory books and awarding each other certificates of achievement for a whole range of reasons. They enjoyed a special lunch together on a specially decorated “top table” and were served by the teachers who have worked with them over the last 8 years.
At the end of the day they processed down the playground steps, flanked by staff and under an arch of hockey sticks and bubbles!
We wish all the children well as they move on to their various high schools in September and look forward to hearing how they get on.