Bonjour mes amis!
Today across school, the children have been celebrating World Book Day by sharing Drew Daywalt's wonderful story- The Day the Crayons Quit.
In Year 6, we wrote letters back to the crayons persuading them to return to us by telling them how much we loved each colour and by comparing them to the colours of things. However, as in Year 6 we always like to 'spice things up' a little, and so, we wrote the letters in French! We were able to practise our prior learning of colours and various nouns that we had learned throughout KS2 alongside our new learning of the possessive pronouns in French: ma (my *feminine noun*), (my *masculine noun*), mes (my *plural noun*).
Attached below are photos and a video of us performing our letters in worship, alongside two videos telling the story- one in English and the other in French. Maybe at home can choose a page to hear in French and see which words you can translate, and then hear it again in English and compare the two!