Year 4 French Day
Last week, Year 4 took part in French Day. They dressed up and started the day with a catwalk. During the day, they played croquet and boules, completed a French quiz and made up a board game. Mid morning the children tasted a selection of French food including croissants, pain au chocolat,…

Sharing The Enormous Turnip with our buddies
Year 1, who have been busy writing alternative versions of The EnormousTurnip in their literacy lessons this week, came up to share them with their Year 6 buddies this morning. In return, Year 6 read the same story to Year 1 - but in French!

World Book Day- The Day the Crayons Quit! En français... Rébellion chez les crayons !
Bonjour mes amis!
Today across school, the children have been celebrating World Book Day by sharing Drew Daywalt's wonderful story- The Day the Crayons Quit.
In Year 6, we wrote letters back to the crayons persuading them to return to us by telling them how much we loved each colour and by…

Voici les Sept Jours de la Semaine (Here are the Seven Days of the Week)!
In French we have been learning to say the date and our birthdays. We are pretty good at the days of the week now as we know a good song to help us remember them! Today we made paper ‘fortune tellers’ to help practise saying them.

Year 4 French lesson
In French today, Year 4 played a matching game using pictures and French vocabulary. You had to match the picture to the correct French word. The child with the most pairs was the winner. This was a fun way for us to learn the names of classroom objects in French. See if your child can tell you…

Year 4 French Day
Today, Year 4 had their French Day. The children dressed up as French characters or in the colours of the French flag, ate French food and completed a quiz. Outside in the playground we played boules and croquet, fortunately it wasn’t too sunny! In the afternoon we had an Eiffel Tower building…

Year 4 French
Year 4 have been learning the French names for Christmas objects. These strips are ready to make into a paper chain to hang in the classroom.

Year 4 French
Year 4 have been revising colour names in French. Do you like our pictures of un bonhomme de neige?

Tête, Épaules, Genoux et Pieds!
Bonjour, c'est la Sixienne Classe!
Do you like our French version of Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes? We've been all about the different body parts in our French lessons so what better song to choose than this?!
French Fruit Games
We are learning the names of fruits in French and then we will learn how to describe the fruits and give our opinions of them. Today we played a dice and counter game linked to fruits. We had to speak in French all the time. It wasn't easy but we had fun!

Year 4 French
We investigated ways of travelling to France. Next we made a guidebook showing places to visit in Paris.

Year 4 French Day
Year 4 French Day
Year 4 dressed up and brought in food to eat. The food was delicious. We played games, did quizzes and completed some research.