Year 6 had a busy day visiting some key locations in the city to bring their work on the history of Lancaster to life. We walked from school into the city centre, passing the old Victorian railway station near what is now the hospital, and White Cross Mill, which was owned by the locally influential Storey family. We walked down two of the oldest streets in Lancaster (Penny Street and Market Street) which were drawn and named a 1610 map of the town. Finally we passed the Storey Institute as we approached the Castle. We learnt such a lot from our guide, David, who showed us round the various parts of the castle including the Norman keep, the John of Gaunt gatehouse, various prison cells and the two courtrooms.
We then moved on to the Maritime Museum (located in the Georgian Customs House), where we reminded ourselves of the importance of the River Lune in the development of Lancaster as a trading port, as well as learning about the fishing industry in the Lune estuary and Morecambe Bay.