Year 5 enjoyed a day of adventure at Beacon Fell this week. We have been reading Kensuke's Kingdom by Michael Murpurgo, so we imagined that we had been stranded on Beacon Fell, just like Michael had been washed up on the shores of Kensuke's island. First we explored the fell to find the best place to build a shelter. To help us decide, we did some fieldwork: we recorded wind direction, the temperature and the strength of the wind (using the Beaufort Scale) to help us choose a sheltered place. We also looked at the terrain to see if it was flat enough and had enough "brash" around to use to make our shelters. We finally decided where to build, then got to work in our teams to build shelters. We finished just in time to eat our lunch in our new homes though we couldn't find any red bananas to eat! After lunch we had time to improve our shelters then made raised beds which we could use to sleep on.