Year 6 enjoyed a day at Lancaster University on Thursday, finding out about the work of Cancer Research North West. First we had a practical session in the laboratory with one of the university's researchers, Tom, who explained what DNA is before showing us how to extract the DNA from fruit. We all had a go at this with the help of volunteers from LUSU. Next we had a talk from Charlotte, who works for Cancer Research. She talked about the different types of Cancer and explained how we can help to prevent it. We also recapped on the structure of a cell by decorating biscuits with strawberry lace cell membranes, chocolate button nucleus, icing cytoplasm and dolly mixture mitochondria. After lunch we had a very interesting tour of the university, where we visited some of the different departments, the enormous library, a lecture theatre and even the laundrette! We had chance to ask lots of questions about what it is like to be a student at university.