In science, we have been investigating teeth, their functions and how to look after them.  We wanted to find out which drinks damaged teeth the most and so last week  we set an experiment using hardboiled eggs to see the effect that different liquids had on their shells.  In our groups, we chose 3 different liquids from the options: milk, orange juice, vinegar, sports drink, tea, apple juice and water.  We left an egg in these liquids for a whole week.  Although it was interesting to see what happened to the liquid (sorry to everyone in the Year 3/4 corridor about the smell from the milk!!), we were actually focusing on the eggs.  Have a look below to see what happened to them after a week.  We have had to use lots of scientific skills to do this investigation and today we had to use our sense to make careful observations.  We were very surprised at how some of the eggs had changed!