Exploring magnets in Year 3
We have been learning about magnetism in science and today we tested the strength of different sized and different shaped magnets. We predicted which magnets would be strongest and measured their strength by counting how many objects were attracted to them.
Year 3/4 Writing Workshop 2025
Today four children from Year 3 and 4 attended a writer's workshop at Bowerham School led by the writer David Webb. They had a really great day and learnt some great writing techniques.
Finding mistakes in history (anachronisms!)
We have been learning and researching all about the Stone Age and today we looked at a picture which had some historical mistakes (anachronisms) in them. We had to try to find all 20 mistakes. It was hard but we managed it!
Year 3 are getting good at counting in 8s!
This week we have been practising counting in 8s and have really enjoyed the 8x table song.

Making sculptures inspired by Barbara Hepworth
We have been learning about the amazing artist, Barbara Hepworth, who was a sculptor inspired by natural landscapes and materials. We looked at her art work and designed our own sculptures based on her famous work, The Family of Man. We worked really well in groups to shape and attach our boxes.…

Prehistoric Workshop in Year 3
Today we had a very special visitor, Professor Tuesday, who is an expert in prehistoric Britain. We made a human timeline showing all the different periods of British history from the Stone Age to modern Britain. We also looked at artefacts and worked out what they told us about the Stone Age,…

Becoming Bird Nest Builders by Year 3
Today we were joined by three expert outdoor teachers. They set us the challenge to build a bird’s nest for a pigeon and its egg. We had to make our nest sturdy and strong, waterproof, and wind proof. We worked in groups and could use materials that we found in the outdoor area. We had to be very…
Investigating and Making Arrays in Year 3 (2024)
We have been investigating arrays in our new maths topic of multiplication and division. We wrote x facts to go with the arrays and some of us also showed the link between multiplication and repeated addition. We were very creative in choosing which objects we used to make our…

Trying cave art in charcoal
Today we read the book ‘The First Drawing’ which is all about the first art that humans made, using charcoal, in caves. We had a go at drawing our own animals from the Stone Age using charcoal. It was not easy as charcoal is very smudgy but we were very pleased with our pictures.

Acting out our new book - Stone Age Boy
We have started our new class book - Stone Age Boy - which is all about a little boy who time travels to the Stone Age and meets a little girl there. Today we acted out some of the scenes where they meet. We then wrote down what we thought they might be thinking or saying to each other.

Rubbish investigation!
In our Stone Age topic, we are learning about the roles of historians and archaeologists and how they use evidence to find out about the past. Today we worked in groups to look through a bag of rubbish from one of the classes in school. Each group had a different bag and we were able to work out…

How long?! A timeline of prehistoric Britain
Our history topic this half-term is about the changes between the Stone Age and the Iron Age in Britain. Today we found out how vast the prehistoric period was, using a toilet roll!! Each sheet represented 5,000 years and we needed to open the whole toilet roll to show how far back the beginning…