21 Nov

Planting our trees

We had perfect weather today for planting the 105 trees we have been given by the Woodland Trust. We planted them on the school field, creating a hedge along the fence and a clump of trees in one corner. The saplings included hazel, Rowan, blackthorn, elder and crab apple. Hilary from the Friends…

15 Nov

Our WW2 “SecretWar” experience

Year 6 were transported back in time this afternoon as they learnt about the secret work behind the scenes of code-breakers and spies during WW2. We learnt about the work of the aerial reconnaissance planes and the photographic interpreters back at base who checked photos for evidence of enemy…

15 Nov


We also investigated pulleys.  Here we are testing the idea that pulleys can be used to lift larger loads using less force.

15 Nov


Today we investigated levers.  We learnt that levers can be used to lift larger, heavier loads using a much smaller force.  Here we are investigating the significance of the pivot point.  We made the heavier objects rise on our ‘ruler balances’ proving that a small force can indeed lift a larger…

10 Nov

Remembering World War 1

Year 6 are currently learning about some of the World War 1 war poets in their literacy lessons. We have been interested to discover that one of the poets, Laurence Binyon, was born in Lancaster (and has a street named after him, just down the road from school). His most famous poem is “For the…

8 Nov

Water Resistance

This week we are looking at the concept of water resistance.  Here we are investigating whether or not more streamlined shapes drop through the water more quickly.

19 Oct

Year 6 quizmasters at work

This term in Year 6 we have been reading the story “Stay Where You Are and then Leave” by John Boyne. As we near the end of the novel, we have decided to test each other’s knowledge of the story by writing our own quizzes on Purple Mash. Once they have been created, we will be able to share them…

3 Oct

Mental maths methods activity

Year 6 spent today’s maths lesson investigating the different mental methods, and informal jottings, which we could use to solve a variety of addition and subtraction problems. We worked in pairs to discuss how we could work out the answers and were surprised by the number of different…

29 Sep


Year 6 have been learning the classic poem, Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll. Many of the words are nonsense words, so we spent some time thinking about what these words could mean. This morning, we ventured down to the woods to rehearse and film our own performance of Jabberwocky. In groups, we found…

26 Sep

Year 6 RE

In RE today we considered whether it was more difficult or easier to journey through life with faith in God. We heard about Open Doors who help persecuted Christians world wide. We played a game they produced to help us understand some of the difficulties faced by Christians facing…

26 Sep

Play leaders refresher training

Year 6 spent this morning with Scott Wilcox, refreshing the training they did last year to be Playleaders for the younger children. They went over some of the basics of organising games to make sure they are fun, safe and active. Then Year 1 joined them, so they could try out their skills and some…