20 Mar

Tag Rugby tournament

The sun shone for us this afternoon as the Year 6 tag rugby team took part in the Lancaster Schools’ tournament at the Vale of Lune Rugby Club. Despite the sunshine, the pitches were quite wet and by the end of the afternoon, we were quite muddy!
We played 6 matches in total, winning two, drawing…

20 Mar

Year 6 Bikeability

Everyone inYear 6 has had the opportunity to take part in Bikeability training this week, making sure we have the knowledge and experience to ride our bikes on the road safely for ourselves and other road users. This involved two full days of practice with instructors from Go Velo. We began on the…

14 Mar

Basketball training for Year 6

Year 6 had a great afternoon today, up at the University of Cumbria. The PE students organised an afternoon of basketball training for us where we learnt the rules of the game and practised a range of skills before having an inter-house tournament. Castle house were the victors, winning all of…

8 Mar

Year 6 make Mother’s Day promises

Year 6 designed and made bouquets of flowers out of card to give to their mums on Mother’s Day, linked to our worship theme of compassion. They wrote a promise on the stem of each flower, such as, “I will make you a cup of tea,” or “I will empty the dishwasher.” Hopefully our mums will enjoy…

7 Mar

Year 6 fun on World Book Day

Year 6 had a busy day today focussing on books and reading. We began the day looking at our various costumes before working on the book picture quiz around school. After that we joined Year 2 to share our favourite books with them. In the afternoon we combined reading with PE when we completed our…

27 Feb

Y6 Explore Eucharist

This afternoon Y6 braved the rain to meet Rev. Rebecca at church. She gave us a very warm welcome and took us through the Eucharist order of service. She explained how and why Christians celebrate Eucharist and the significance of all the items involved. This has helped us to see more links…

30 Jan

Passover 2024

In R.E. Y6 have been learning about how God used Moses to lead the Jewish people out of slavery in Egypt. Just as Jesus did, Jews today still remember this significant event in their history, through the festival of Passover. Today we had fun re-creating a Passover Seder and were able to…

12 Jan

Y6 shelters put to the test

Year 6 have finally finished building their shelters to house a family of four Playmobile people. Once we had constructed a strong framework, we had to plan carefully about how to make them tough, waterproof and wind proof. The photos show our shelters before we tested and evaluated them. In fact,…

14 Dec

Christmas card printing in Year 6

Over the last three weeks, we have been working hard on developing our printing skills, to create our Christmas cards for this year. We used polystyrene blocks to cut out our basic design. We then used special printing ink to evenly coat our blocks before transferring the design onto paper. 

12 Dec

Y6 shelter making

This week, Year 6 have been making a start on constructing their shelters, which they have been designing. The task is to design and make a shelter to house a family of four playmobile people, which must withstand wind, rain and pressure from above. Today, we focussed on our cutting skills, using…

11 Dec

Y6 Enterprise Week

Last week, Year 6 had a very busy week, preparing for the Christmas Fair. They were split into six groups and each loaned £15 by SCOT4ALL. Each group had to work as a team to design and make items to sell at the fair with the aim of making a profit to be given back to SCOT4ALL.

Each group had a…

11 Dec

Carol singing at Chirnside House

This afternoon, Year 6 went to Chirnside House to help Rev Catherine with her Christmas Carol service for the residents. We sang carols and some of us also read the Bible readings. When we had finished, we had the chance to chat to the residents before walking back to school.