21 Sep

Chrome books in action

There was great excitement this afternoon in Year 6 as everyone signed into our Chromebooks for the first time and used them in our art lesson. We used them to research three artists, from different periods of history, who used the medium of drawing in their work: Michaelangelo, Edward Ardizzone…

21 Sep

Outdoor Maths

We have been revising our knowledge of place value this week. As the sun was shining today, we took the opportunity to get outside and work in groups to challenge each other with our use of function machines, involving multiplying and dividing whole numbers by powers of 10.

19 Sep

Bridge Challenge 2023

Yesterday as part of PSHE Mrs Ventress set us a challenge.  We had to build a bridge using limited time and materials, which fitted a specific brief. We worked in teams and we’re judged not only on how many toy cars our finished bridge would hold but also our teamwork skills. Was the winning team…

19 Sep

NISCU visit Y6

Debbie and Abbie came to teach us about the life journey of St.Paul, who our school is named after. We found out how meeting God changed the direction of his life completely. We saw how his life journey contained trials, persecution and triumphs and looked at how he was able to overcome these with…

15 Sep

Our last day at Lockerbie

Our adventure at Lockerbie finished on a “high” today, with all groups tackling the climbing wall and the abseil tower. We were able to use the skills we learnt and our experiences from crate stacking and high ropes to help us in these final challenges. Following a final meal, we set off home and…

14 Sep

Thursday at Lockerbie

We have had another day of glorious weather and exciting activities. Many of us have been up in the woods learning survival skills, as well as tackling some very tricky initiative problems, where we had to work in a team to solve a variety of puzzles. We also tried out our fencing skills and had…

13 Sep

Wednesday at Lockerbie

We’ve had another sunny day (at least until tea time anyway). Every group had a go at the high ropes course, with everyone showing great determination and resilience. Orienteering, blind trail and survival skills were enjoyed by various groups during the rest of the day. We also tried out a new…

12 Sep

Tuesday at Lockerbie

The sun shone for us all day today. We started the day by sampling our first Lockerbie breakfast of the week, before spending the whole morning on the lake, learning to canoe and kayak. Some of us were in the water again in the afternoon, working together as a team to build a raft to carry the…

11 Sep

Year 6 Arrive in Lockerbie

Year 6 arrived safely at Lockerbie Manor this afternoon and got straight into some great activities: archery, low ropes, crate stacking and even raft-building. Everyone had a great time - especially those who got soaking wet even before tea time!

5 Sep

Year 6 Holiday Reading Reviews

Year 6 have been busy reading over the summer holidays. Today we wrote reviews, which are now on display in the library for everyone to read. 

17 Jul

Trip to Williamson Park (science and geography link)

Today Year 5 walked to Williamson Park for our end of year trip.  We have been investigating Ordnance Survey maps to find the best route and also work out what we would be able to see from the viewpoint at Williamson Park.  We were very fortunate with the weather because the view today was…

11 Jul

Planning our Geography Walk

Next week we are heading to Williamson Park. Today we planned our route using ordnance survey maps. We revised map symbols and worked out what geographical features we would see during our journey. We also used the maps to work out what we would see from the viewpoint at the Ashton Memorial when…