Y3 Blind Trail
Here we are practising our communication skills in P.E. Excellent listening skills are also an essential part of this activity! Could you make it round our obstacle course whilst blindfolded?
Y3 Spellings
The year three word list is tricky! Here we are practising our spellings. Would either of these methods help you to remember how to spell these tricky words?
Year 3 Leighton Moss Visit
Year 3 had a fabulous time at Leighton Moss. We learnt a lot about soil as part of our science topic and also spent time learning more about the beautiful range of birds found in our local woodlands.
Evaluating our Delicious Sandwiches
After making our sandwiches we thought carefully about the quality of our sandwiches. We tasted our own sandwich and at least two other sandwiches. Some of them were delicious but others were not quite so tasty!
Sensational Sandwiches
After designing our own healthy, balanced sandwiches we made our own. Some of us used quite unusual combinations of ingredients like chicken, strawberries and lettuce or banana, tuna and cucumber but as we were aiming for the correct balance of ingredients, we decided to give them a…
Bread Tasting
In class we have been learning all about healthy eating and nutrition. We looked at the plate for good health and know that we should aim to eat the right balance of foods. In these pictures we are taste testing a range of different breads in preparation for our sandwich designing…
Romans Day
Throughout the day we did lots of exciting activities. We designed and made Roman shields which we then used in our 'battle' at the end of the day; we followed two different recipes to make honey cakes; we made laurel wreaths; learnt about Roman numerals and designed our own Roman Gods and…
Romans Visit 2018
On Friday, year three went to the Museum for a Romans workshop. Whilst there we met a Roman called Marcus who told us all about life as a Roman soldier.