6 Sep

Rock Kidz on Tour

Today we were visited by the brilliant Rock Kidz in tour.

We had a fantastic time and all enjoyed shouting,  “YASBA” - You’re awesome so BE awesome! It was a great start to term - reminding us how wonderfully different and special each one of us is.

5 Sep

Starting the year with TEAMWORK!

It was great to see everyone back together in school today. We started the year thinking about the importance of working together as a team. We worked on lots of different outdoor challenges together and found out the importance of listening, communicating, being creative, making mistakes and…

13 Jul

Year 4 DT- purses

Year 4 have been busy sewing their purses. They had to design them, create a pattern, cut out the felt and work out how to fasten them together. Some children found the sewing really difficult but everyone persevered and all the children have a lovely finished product.

13 Jul

Year 4 DT


Year 4 have been making houses with security lights in DT. First we had to design and make a house out of a cardboard box. Next we had to have a doormat which had foil on the underside. We constructed an electrical circuit using a battery, a bulb in a holder and three wires. The end of the…

12 Jul

Year 4 French Day

Today, Year 4 had their French Day. The children dressed up as French characters or in the colours of the French flag, ate French food and completed a quiz. Outside in the playground we played boules and croquet, fortunately it wasn’t too sunny! In the afternoon we had an Eiffel Tower building…

7 Jul

Identifying living things using classification keys

Today, we have been identifying different living creatures. We have thought of lots of questions to separate each living thing and used them in our own classification key.

5 Jul

A special visit

In the White Rose Maths Scheme there is a tortoise called Tiny who unfortunately, often gets things wrong. Today Year 4 had a visit from a tortoise called Tortelli. Hopefully he’s much better at maths!

30 Jun

Y4 Debates

This week we have been carrying out debates. In groups, we have researched facts about different topics such as homework, watching television, PE in schools and uniform. We have used persuasive language to argue for or against each topic. The rest of the class then had to vote for the most…

24 Jun

Y4's Journey down the River Lune

Year 4 learnt all about rivers last term, but today they had the chance to take a journey down the River Lune, from its source at Newbiggin-on-Lune in Cumbria all the way down to the estuary beyond Glasson Dock. We started off at St. Helen's Well where we were surprised to find very little water…

23 Jun

Samba Bamba

We had a lots of fun today using different instruments to create our own Samba Bamba band and we certainly got into the groove dancing to the music.

16 Jun

Making Polygons

Today, we have been discussing the properties of polygons, both regular and irregular.  We worked practically and made lots of different polygons using up to 10 matchsticks.

16 Jun

Centipedes, and woodlice, and leeches, oh my!

Year 4 have started their new Science unit all about living organisms and their habitats! Today, we have learned about the famous Mrs Gren who helps us remember the 7 life processes that all living things must do to stay alive. We then sorted a wide range of organisms into various groups and…