16 Oct

Take a look at just some of nursery's fun Autumn activities !

We have used the changing world around us to help us learn in our play. From exploring in our woodland area, counting conkers to give to the hedgehog and using leaves to glue onto a giant squirrel. 

Take a look at us using tongs to remove the seeds in the sunflower, helping us strengthen our…

16 Oct

Nursery's 'Ourselves' topic

This half term nursery's topic was, 'ourselves'. We have had a visit from Zach's baby brother where we learnt all about how to look after him and what he needs to drink. We then have had Cederick the skeleton stay with us whilst we have been learning all out our bones. Take a look…

2 Oct

A very windy day.

Nursery made the most of a wild and windy afternoon this week!

We gathered lots of making materials and made kites to fly. We made sure we used lots of glue so they didn't blow to pieces!

When we had all finished we put on our coats and ran around our big playground and watched our kites…