Year 3 and 4 Intrasports
In Year 3 and 4 we celebrated the end of term with a great afternoon of intra-sports between the different coloured teams. We played a version cricket (having been inspired by Coach Lauren earlier this term) and there were super catches, impressive hitting and great bowling from Mrs Winder and…

Year 3&4 Spirituality Morning
This morning in Y3 & 4 we explored the theme of “treasures. At the beginning we came up with lots of ideas linked to treasure like gold, jewels and pirates! We then did three different activities to explore the treasures we have in our lives. We thought about different places that are special to…

Making sculptures inspired by Eva Rothschild
We have been learning about famous sculptors and this week we are focusing on Eva Rothschild. We designed sculptures inspired by her art works and then made our own using straws. We learnt how to attach straws together using pipe cleaners. We added pops of colour using stickers and coloured…

Morecambe Players Visit (Y3)
Today we were lucky enough to get a visit from three first team Morecambe FC players. We asked them questions about their lives and their footballing careers, their favourite players and what they had enjoyed most about school. They told us about good team work and how they deal with losing…

Fun with Fractions in Year 3
In maths we have started to learn about fractions. Today we played a dice game to see who could the largest fraction. We had lots of fun!

Measuring length in maths
In maths we have been measuring using different units. We are now experts in metres, centimetres and millimetres! Here are some pictures of us practising measuring!
Art in the style of Liz Pichon (AKA Tom Gates!)
For World Book Day we joined a live stream event with Liz Pichon (an author/illustrator) who read from her most recent Tom Gates’ book. She also taught us how to draw in her style. We were really pleased with our attempts and have made a class book with our drawings.
Exploring shadows in science (Year 3)
In science we are learning about shadows. Today we planned our own investigations to see what happens to the size of shadows when objects are nearer or further from the light source. We worked really well in our groups and pairs and did some really good scientific thinking!

Year 3 try cricket!
Today Coach Lauren came into school to teach us skills linked to cricket. We had lots of fun aiming at the wickets and practising bowling.

Our sculptures inspired by Barbara Hepworth
In art we have been learning about the artist Barbara Hepworth and how she made abstract sculptures to show her love of nature. We designed our own sculptures based on her piece The Family of Man and tried to use some of her style e.g. holes and lines. We even named our sculptures things such as…
Having fun printing in Year 3
Over the last few weeks we have been designing and making different types of prints. We have used polystyrene blocks to make prints inspired by the death mask of Tutankhamun. We also made block prints (using draught excluder tape!) in the style of hieroglyphics. We are really proud of our…

We’re Going on a Book Hunt!
Today we celebrated World Book Day by going on a book hunt! We had to find different book characters hidden around the school. There were 53 in total to find and recognise! Some were books we remembered from when we were younger. We loved seeing some of our favourite characters!