17 Oct

Painting Self-portraits

We have been using paint to make our self portrait. We have been discussing the different hair colour, eye colour and skin colour that people have and that we are all unique. We mixed the paint to achieve the right colours.

12 Oct

Investigating our sense of touch

We continued exploring our senses by looking at the sense of touch. We described how things felt in the feely bag and we tried to guess what they were. 

12 Oct

Retelling the story

We enjoyed using expression to retell the story. We tried to change our voices to re-enact the the characters’ feelings. 

11 Oct

Thank You for the Harvest!

Over the past few weeks, we have been learning about Harvests from around the world, trying different foods that have been grown and harvested from many countries and continents.

We have also looked into how the Harvest is celebrated within another religion: Judaism! We learned the story of the…

29 Sep

Performing our own nursery rhymes

We performed our own version of a nursery ryhme. We enjoyed listening to the different rhyming words.

28 Sep

Sense of hearing-listening walk

We looked at using the sense of hearing to listen to sounds all around us.

28 Sep

Y1 Outdoor Learning

We enjoyed going to Dorrington Woods and using our senses to look at different habitats. We even made some of our own minibeast habitats ! 


23 Sep

Autumn Walk Y1

We enjoyed looking for signs of autumn in our school garden this week. We found lots of items for our ‘Investigation Area’. We looked at the objects closely and drew the detail closely. 
We looked at the school horse-chestnut tree to see what changes we could see. We will look at it throughout…

22 Sep

Natural Portraits

We have been looking at portraits drawn by various famous artists. We have enjoyed making our own portraits using natural materials too. 

21 Sep

Outside Maths-Learning to count on

We have been learning to “count on”. 

20 Sep

Harvest-Where does our food come from?

We have enjoyed tasting fruit from other countries and finding where it was on a globe. We discussed how the various fruits would have journeyed from country to country. 

20 Sep

Life Education-Our Wonderful Bodies

We loved meeting Harold the giraffe today! He was telling us all about our wonderful bodies and how to keep healthy.