The Stilling of the Storm!
Today we heard the Bible story where Jesus stilled the storm and saved his friends from drowning! We learned how this amazing act shows Jesus' power and miraculous abilities. We acted out the story in groups and recorded how we would have felt during the storm whilst Jesus was sleeping and after…

People Who Help Us- Firefighters
We enjoyed listening to the Firemen from Lancaster about their job and how they help people. We asked some great questions e.g where do you get the water from ? We learnt lots of new facts.

People Who Help Us
Thank you to Mrs Kornas who came to talk to us today about how she helps people in her job. We had just excellent questions to ask her!

Y1 Making Bread like Little Red Hen
We have been reading the story of Little Red Hen in our English. We discussed where the ingredients come from and we had a go at making our own bread. We looked at the skills of sifting, mixing and kneading.

If Winter’s your favourite season, clap your hands!
Today, whilst learning about the weather patterns across the four seasons, the most amazing thing happened... it started to SNOW! Of course, we made the most of this wintery treat by heading outside and investigating the weather and temperature!
We checked the thermometer which told us it was a…

Making teen numbers!
We used different resources to make the teen numbers by looking at the ten and ones.

Year 1 Dance
We enjoyed our 1st dance session with Miss Helen on our ‘ Superheroes’ topic. We enjoyed creating the different characters.

We have been looking at different types of houses. We also spoke about houses from the past and looked to see how houses have changed.

Christmas Party
We had a fantastic time at our Christmas party! Lots of singing, dancing and playing lots of games.

Transparent or not?
We continued to experiment with different materials to look at their properties. We predicted if they were transparent or not. Then we tested to see if they were correct or not.

Waterproof or not ?
We were looking at which material is the best for Traction Man to wear in an underwater adventure. We predicted which ones we thought would be the best and used a pipette to test which ones resisted water.