6 Sep

Rock Kidz

The amazing Rock Kidz came in to spread the important message of bullying. We spoke about what bullying is and what it means. 

6 Sep

First week in Y1

What a fun week we have had in Y1!
We have begun learning the rules and where things are in our class. It has been lovely to see how well the children have started to settle into Y1 life. 

4 Sep

Y1 Life Education

Steve from SCARF came in and talked about how we can keep healthy and safe. We discussed the foods we should eat to keep healthy, the importance of exercise and sleep. Harold the giraffe also helped us learn that message!

10 Jul

Billy Bob’s

We had so much fun on our trip to Billy Bob’s. We went in a coach journey, we looked at all the different types of transport. We also helped our friends and took turns on the different equipment. 

20 Jun

We’re going on a bear hunt.

We went on a sensory walk today and brought our story to life. 

24 May

We had a visit from the vets.

We learnt all about how vets help animals and what we can do to help look after animals. We also got to meet Shelly. 

20 May

Pedal and Scoot.

We had so much fun today with Pedal and Scoot. We learnt how to check if our bikes are safe and learnt lots of new skills. 

30 Apr

Repeating patterns.

Our book this week is The Very Hungry Caterpillar. We linked our Maths lesson and we made caterpillars using repeated patterns. 

28 Mar

Reception and Nursery Spirituality Morning.

This morning Reception joined up with Nursery.  We also looked at why Good Friday is called Good. Then we looked at lots of different crosses and designed our own cross. 

13 Mar

Dear Zoo.

This week we having been learning all about the book, Dear Zoo. Reception have written their own Dear Zoo story and we have made our own zoo map. 

8 Mar

World Book Day in Reception.

We had so much fun yesterday celebrating World Book Day. We got to dress up as our favourite character, listen to a new story and the Year 4s came down to read to us. What an amazing day we had. 

22 Feb

Chinese New Year

Today we learnt all about Chinese New Year. We made our own dragon mask and then created a dragon dance. We also tried to use chopsticks and pick things up with them, it was tricky.