8 Nov

Eco group check up on our trees

The Eco group managed to avoid the rain today and went out at lunchtime to check up on the trees we planted around the edge of the school field last year. With the help of Hilary from the Friends of Dorrington Woods, we learnt how to take off the tree guards and check if the saplings were still…

1 Nov

Year 4 Geography

Yesterday, the children took part of their Geography lesson outside. They had been learning about the eight points of the compass. They played a game running between various points which helped with their learning but also got most of them puffed out! This lesson ties in with the orienteering they…

29 Sep


Year 6 have been learning the classic poem, Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll. Many of the words are nonsense words, so we spent some time thinking about what these words could mean. This morning, we ventured down to the woods to rehearse and film our own performance of Jabberwocky. In groups, we found…

27 Sep

Year 4 Geography

In Geography, we went outside to do some fieldwork. We observed, recorded and presented features in the local area by sketching what human and physical features we could see from the playground.

26 Sep

Year 4 PE

Today’s PE lesson was based around orienteering. The children had to orientate their map facing the correct direction based on the quoits set out on the playground.. They had to use the map to navigate a short course. At each of the points on the course there was a number. They had to total the…

18 May

Investigating angles

Today, we made angle measures and then took them outside to find and identify different angles outdoors. We made acute, obtuse and right angles with our bodies before looking at different angles around us. We used sticks and twigs to make shapes and labelled the different angles. 

27 Apr

Crown Green Bowling with Y4

Coach Dan taught us some skills for crown green bowling this afternoon. We were given a bowl and tried to aim at a target. By the end of the afternoon, we had certainly improved our aim and some of us even managed to get our bowl on the centre circle.

27 Mar

Getting ready for Easter

This morning we went to Dorrington Road Woods. We have found out about creatures who live in British woods. We looked at creatures with no legs, 2 legs and as many as 8 legs. We collected natural materials to make a picture of a woodland creature. Can you guess what we made?

22 Mar

Barton Grange

Two of our School Council have been working our how to make out grounds more "green". They met with Ruth and Sarah from Barton Grange and looked at possible designs for our ramp area.

On Tuesday they went to Barton Grange and bought items to help with this project with a voucher for £100 which…

7 Mar

Eco group go tree planting

What a glorious day for planting trees! The Eco-group donned their wellies and gardening gloves this afternoon and went down to the school field with their spades and trowels. Hilary from the Friends of Dorrington Woods joined us there to show us how to plant different types of saplings - potted…

13 Feb

Eco group tree planting project

Eco group have been looking at the possibility of planting some trees on our school field. Today we went down to the field with Hilary from Dorrington Woods, who came to help us measure out a suitable area. We drew a plan and calculated how many trees we will need to order.

11 Jan

Playing outside

Outside we have different challenges and activities for the Nursery children. This week the children are strengthening their hand muscles. They are spraying the fires with water bottles. We are talking about amounts to five and looking at the numeral that represents each.