25 Mar

Year 6 find out about Eucharist.

Today Year 6 took a walk in the sunshine to visit church. Reverend Catherine explained to us how a Eucharist service at St. Paul's is carried out. We discussed the symbolism of some of the items used and explored the links between the Jewish Passover, Jesus' Last Supper with his disciples and the…

19 Dec

Carol service 2024

Term came to a close this afternoon with the whole school going to church for our carol service. Year 6 lead the service, focussing on gifts - especially God’s gift of Jesus to the world at Christmas. They were also helped by a staff band and a signing choir.

13 Nov

Children’s Worship Conference

Today, Miss Huddleston took two members of our Worship Team to Clitheroe to the Blackburn Diocesan Children’s Worship Conference. The focus was “Giants of Faith”. We considered famous giants of faith, then thought about how we can be giants of faith ourselves, standing up for justice, praying…

2 Oct

Olive Branch

The newly formed Worship Team took the Harvest gifts to the Olive Branch today. They spent some time finding out about the amazing things that the Olive Branch do.

8 May

NISCU Jonny and Abi visits for assembly

Today we were really pleased to have Jonny and Abi from NISCU join our special outdoor assembly. This week they have been prayer walking between many of the different school in Morecambe and Lancaster, carrying a lantern to represent the light of Jesus.  They enjoyed our fantastic singing of The…

8 Mar

Year 6 make Mother’s Day promises

Year 6 designed and made bouquets of flowers out of card to give to their mums on Mother’s Day, linked to our worship theme of compassion. They wrote a promise on the stem of each flower, such as, “I will make you a cup of tea,” or “I will empty the dishwasher.” Hopefully our mums will enjoy…

27 Feb

Y6 Explore Eucharist

This afternoon Y6 braved the rain to meet Rev. Rebecca at church. She gave us a very warm welcome and took us through the Eucharist order of service. She explained how and why Christians celebrate Eucharist and the significance of all the items involved. This has helped us to see more links…

2 Nov

Chas Jacobs visit to school

Yesterday the local artist Chas Jacobs came to work in school. Chas is a former pupil of our school.

The day started with Chas talking to the whole school about his passion. He encouraged everyone to follow their passion to make them happy. Chas explained how he had always enjoyed art as a…

30 May

Jam Club for Year 6

Year 6 had an exciting time at Jam (Jesus and Me!) Club today. Naomi and Jane came in and told us the story of Noah’s ark and God’s protection for Noah. We then had the challenge of protecting our own eggs. We worked in teams and with lots of different materials to create a protective layer around…

3 May

Jonny's Prayer Walk

Jonny, from NISCU, joined us on his prayer walk today. He was greeted like a celebrity and the children were delighted that he'd worn his onesie just for our school. He prayed for the school, our children and staff and the wider community. Thank you Jonny - it was great to see you!

27 Feb

Worship led by the Worship Team

This week the Worship team led our whole school Worship on Lent. 

6 Oct

Jane and Marcus lead worship

This afternoon, Jane and Marcus from New Life Church in Lancaster came to lead our Key Stage 2 worship. They helped us to think more about our Christian value of justice. One of the challenges was to see who could scoop up some sweets onto a plate the quickest. The only problem was, each person…