28 Sep

Year 5 Science Outdoor Learning

Today we went into Dorrington Woods to use natural materials to create a floating raft that would carry pennies without sinking. 
We talked about what might float or sink and why first. Then working in small groups we collected natural materials and built a raft. The only thing Kate gave us was…

26 Sep

Investigating Bibles!

Today we looked at lots of different versions of Bibles. We were amazed at the different names they were given like The Adventure Bible and The Message. They also had very different covers. Lots of us liked the colourful ones and they reminded us of the bright colours in creation.  Some of the…

15 Sep

Getting to know our Reception buddies

Today we helped our Reception buddies to ice and decorate a biscuit. After we had finished our decorating we were allowed to eat our creative masterpieces in the playground. 
It has been lovely to get to know our new friends and we are looking forward to meeting up again very soon.

6 Sep

Rock Kidz on Tour

Today we were visited by the brilliant Rock Kidz in tour.

We had a fantastic time and all enjoyed shouting,  “YASBA” - You’re awesome so BE awesome! It was a great start to term - reminding us how wonderfully different and special each one of us is.

1 Jul

Year 5 investigate pulse rate

Today in Science we have been learning how to find and count our pulse rate in 4 different places on our body. 
We then went outside to investigate how our pulse rate changes during and straight after exercising. 

17 Jun

Year 5 immunology

Today Dr Rigby visited us from Lancaster University. She taught us all about the flu virus and how vaccinations protect our bodies. She brought some very cute cuddly viruses which we all loved ( what a shame the real things are not as cute). 
We also put on lab coats, plastic gloves and safety…

15 Jun

Sports Leader Training in Year 5

Today Year 5 started their training for the Sports Leader Award. We learnt how to organise small groups and play basic games. This training will continue next week. 


8 Jun

Trip to Castle and Maritime Museum

Today we had a jampacked, exciting and busy day of learning at Lancaster Castle and the Maritime Museum.  We  listened to stories about the castle's history (some of them a bit gory!), visited the Roman remains, became archaeological detectives, enjoyed Viking legends, dressed up as Norse…

26 May

The Human Digestive System in action

This morning in Year 5 we have recreated the journey of our breakfast through the digestive system. It was messy but fun for most of us. A few of us were a little squeamish and by the time we reached the end we couldn’t even look. 


19 May

Finding patterns in nature

Today in Year 5 we took advantage of the lovely weather to take our sketchbooks outside and look for patterns in nature. Using sketching pencils we drew detailed pictures of leaves, flowers, trees and stones.



17 May

Wheelchair Basketball in Y5

We had a very competitive (and noisy!) time playing wheelchair basketball with John from Lancaster Bulldogs today. I think you can see how much we all (including Mrs Redmayne) enjoyed it.

16 May

Goodbye to our butterflies!

The big day had finally arrived! After weeks of watching our caterpillars grow larger, build their cocoons and finally metamorphose into beautiful and amazing butterflies, it was time to set them free. To be honest, they weren’t in a great hurry to leave but by the end of the day all had flown…