13 Sep

Ordering numbers to 20

We have been ordering numbers to 20 and looking at the value of numbers.

9 Sep

First week of Y1 in the Creative area

We enjoyed completing the ‘make a face’ challenge in the creative area. 

9 Sep

Recognising numbers

We have been using number fans to help recognise numbers. 

8 Sep

Value of numbers

We have been looking at numbers and seeing how we can make them with different resources to understand the value of numbers. 

7 Sep

First week in Y1

We have been exploring the challenges in the classroom. We have been trying to get Bee-Bot to follow instructions. We have enjoyed using directional vocabulary too. 

6 Sep

First week in Y1

The children have been in role in the Doctors surgery. They have enjoyed making appointments and making people better as part of our topic.

2 Sep

First week in Y1-Funky Fingers- fine motor skills

We have been practicing our fine motor skills by making small peg pictures. 

13 Jul

Sports Day Winners

Well done ! 

13 Jul

Sports Day Winners

Well done! 

13 Jul

Y1 Sports Day- drinks break

It was a hot day so we made sure we had lots of drinks and we cooled down in the shade.

13 Jul

Y1 Sports Day

We competed in a sack race.