13 Jul

Y1 Sports Day-races

We enjoyed our sports day. We had the team games and individual races. We all worked together and displayed excellent sportsmanship. 

13 Jul

Y1 Sports Day-team games

We had 4 activities throwing for distance, throwing for accuracy,  relay and dribbling. We worked well as a team scoring as many points as we could. We supported each other throughout. 

13 Jul

Y1 Sports Day-races

On your marks, get set....GO! 

13 Jul

Y1 Sports Day-races

On your marks, get set....GO!

2 Jul

Australia Day

We looked at many different Australian artefacts e.g. boomerangs, different types of Australian animals and the didgeridoo! We listened to the different sounds made. 

2 Jul

Australia Day

We made our passports and boarding passes before boarding the Y1 plane. 

2 Jul

Australia Day

We looked at the world map and decided to see some other famous landmarks on our journey to Australia. Firstly, we went left to see the Statue of Liberty in America, then to Europe to see the Eiffel Tower. Next, we went to see the pyramids, then the Great Wall of China and finally flying towards…

2 Jul

Australia Day

We then turned our classroom into an aeroplane, boarded the aeroplane with our passports, had the safety briefing and departed. 
we had a bit of turbulence on the way but we thought we would take a few detours to look at other famous landmarks on the way...

1 Jul

Y1 Recognising Coins

We have started learning about coins and their value. We were looking at the similarities and differences between all the coins. 

30 Jun

Ambulance Visit

We were lucky to be able to have a look in an ambulance today. We found out about some machines and especially how loud the siren was!! We discussed which emergency number to call and when to do it. Thank you NHS for the fantastic job you do! 

18 Jun

Year 1 learning about Baptism

Miss Siddle came in and talked us through a church Baptism. We discussed why the vicar puts a sign of the cross on the baby’s head. 

15 Jun

Y1 Colour mixing

We have been looking at the artist Pier Mondrian and looking at his use of primary colours. We have been recreating digital pictures on the computers. We used Mondrian's primary colours to explore the secondary colours we could make by mixing the primary colours.