8 Oct

Making Fruit Salad

During our ‘Ourselves’ topic, we have been learning about foods which are healthy for us. We designed a fruit salad using healthy fruit and tried to use different varieties. 

We enjoyed using good chopping skills to cut the fruit into small pieces and some children tried some fruits that they…

1 Oct

Our bossy verb hunt!

We started learning about ‘Instructions’ by going on a ‘bossy verb hunt’. We discovered they were all actions that we could do. We wrote them down and used some of them to start our instructions.

24 Sep

Labelling the parts of our body

We drew around a member of Year 1 and enjoyed labelling the different parts of our body.

6 Mar

Fred the Tortoise

We had a wonderful visit from Fred the tortoise today. We found out some amazing facts and we didn’t realise how quick tortoises could move! We looked at the features of a tortoise e.g his beak, his claws and his amazing shell. 


6 Mar

Share a story

Thank you to the parents who came to read to our children today. We thoroughly enjoyed it !

28 Feb

African Land Snail

Yesterday, we had a special visitor in our class.....an African Land Snail! We looked at what it ate, it’s habitat and  it’s shell. We learnt lots of facts and thought of lots of questions. 

29 Jan

Snow Day!!!☃️☃️❄️❄️❄️

We all had a fun time playing in the snow...whilst it lasted!! 

10 Jan

Mad Science Afternoon

We had different ‘wow’ experiments to introduce our ‘Mad Science ‘ topic this afternoon. We investigated, predicted and discovered the results of the experiments. This was the Self-inflating balloon’, we looked closely at the materials and predicted how we could possibly get it to…

23 Nov

Rhyming Frogs

We made some frog puppets to retell the rhymes we read in 'Oi Frog'. 

23 Nov

Learning Positional Language - Left and right

We had a go at the  'Cha Cha Slide' to work on our left and right movements. We really enjoyed it!