22 Jun

Reception and KS1 Sports Day

We all took part in our annual sports morning. The children were fantastic and competed brilliantly. We also saw some pre-schoolers racing and my all time favourite… the Mums/Dads and Grandparents race! 
Well done to Castle Reds who won

19 Jun

Investigating Structure Strength

We spoke about which shape structures should be to be strong. They worked as a team to make a large 3D structure. 


16 Jun

Retelling Australian Traditional Tales

We enjoyed retelling the story and performing using stick puppets. 

16 Jun

Girls’ Football Tournament Winners!

Well done to the girls’ that represented Scotforth at the local Lancaster Girls’ Football Tournament. We got to the final and .... WON!!!

14 Jun

Painting our Clay Flowers

We enjoyed painting our clay flowers today. 

26 May

Y1/2 Intra School Sports

Today we enjoyed competing in our team colours to win the Intra Sport's trophy.

25 May

Y1 Clay Flowers

We investigated how other artists used clay to produce a piece of art. We moulded it into the shapes that we wanted using our hands and tools. We are excited to paint them next ! 

24 May

Street Dance Performance

Wow! Today these dancers performed their amazing routine to their parents. Thank you Miss Helen ! 


24 May

Y1 Printing Tiles

We have enjoyed looking at the designer Orla Kiely and have made our own printing tiles in the same style. We have produced some super designs. 

16 May

Y1 Authors! -sharing the stories they had written

We had written our own version of ‘The Enormous Turnip’ for example ‘The Mega Carrot’. We read them to our buddies. The Year 6’s also read ‘ The Enormous Turnip’ to us but in French !!

5 May

Coronation Party

We were getting ready for our Coronation afternoon with some decorations! 

5 May

Indoor Athletics League Champions 2023

Scotforth St Paul’s are Indoor Athletics League Champions! What a fantastic season! What a fantastic team! I am so proud to see the resilience, the team work and the commitment all season. 
Thank you to Lancaster and Morecambe College for being wonderful hosts. Thank you to our amazing parents…