7 May

Lancaster Canal history

This morning, Katie, from Canal and River Trust, came into Year 5 to teach us about how and why Lancaster Canal was built. We helped to make a model version of Lancaster Canal. Jessica was the engineer who designed the canal. Bobby, Daniel P and Sophie were the navvies that dug out the canal. Meme…

5 Feb

Online Safety Day

Today was National Internet Safety Day and Year 5 worked on a special project this year. We split into groups to plan and deliver a lesson to other classes in school about different aspects of Online Safety that were appropriate for the year group. The children took it very seriously and worked…

18 Jan

Dance Dance Dance

This week, Coach Louise came into school to teach us a hip hop dance. Watch how good we were below.


22 May

Hogwarts Job Applications

This week Year 5 have been writing application letters for jobs at Hogwarts. On Tuesday the class acted as application panels and decided whether the letters were strong enough to be accepted for the jobs applied for.

17 May

Team Building Exercises

Today, Year 5 have been doing some team building exercises with Miss Flynn as part of their PSHE lesson. 

1 Dec

It's Christmas!

Year 5 have been getting in the Christmas spirit and making christmas decorations for the school fair. Come and buy our fantastic decorations at the fair on Friday 8th of December.

1 Dec

Last hockey session

Year 5 have been playing hockey this term but today we had our last session with coach Nick. We have had lots of fun!