19 Sep

Making 100 in Year 3

We are looking at the number 100 and what it looks like using real objects... We used objects around the classroom to make a 100 in different ways. We stacked and grouped our objects to make them easier to count. We have shown in many different ways that ten lots of ten make 100!

8 Sep

Graffiti Art Names Year 3

We had a great time drawing our names in the style of graffiti art today! We learnt to use bright colours and bold lines. We hope you like our work as much as we do!


8 Sep

Life Education comes to Year 3

We were joined by Stephen (and of course Harold the giraffe!) from Life Education today.  We learnt all about how amazing our brain and our body is. We also learnt about how to be good friends and to support friends when things are hard or we have a fall out...  We had a good time and enjoyed…

17 Jul

Trip to Williamson Park (science and geography link)

Today Year 5 walked to Williamson Park for our end of year trip.  We have been investigating Ordnance Survey maps to find the best route and also work out what we would be able to see from the viewpoint at Williamson Park.  We were very fortunate with the weather because the view today was…

11 Jul

Planning our Geography Walk

Next week we are heading to Williamson Park. Today we planned our route using ordnance survey maps. We revised map symbols and worked out what geographical features we would see during our journey. We also used the maps to work out what we would see from the viewpoint at the Ashton Memorial when…

11 Jul

Measuring in Year 5 (using metric and imperial measurements!)

In maths we have been looking at measures and converting between measures.  We have learnt about imperial measures and metric. Today we measured the capacity of different containers (in millilitres and fluid ounces) and also different lengths (using cm and inches). It is not always easy to convert…

10 Jul

Archery taster session

Today Robbie came in and showed Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6 how to do archery. We had a great time, even in the dodgy weather!

4 Jul

Estimating mass in Year 5

We are learning about different measures and today we focused on mass. We estimated before we weighed the different objects. We found our estimations improved the more that we did it.


29 Jun

The River Lune - from source to sea in just one day!

Year 4 learned all about rivers last term, but today they had the chance to take a journey down the River Lune, from its source at Newbiggin-on-Lune in Cumbria all the way down to the estuary beyond Glasson Dock. We started off at St. Helen's Well - the source of the Lune - just outside the…

14 Jun

Investigating micro-habitats

In science we are learning about living things and their habitats. Last week we learnt about the characteristics of all living organisms by meeting ‘MRS GREN’ (Movement, Respiration, Sensing, Growth, Reproduction, Excretion and Nutrition). We also made our own sorting diagrams using categories…

12 Jun

Anyone for Cricket?!

Today 10 of us from Year 5 took part in a school cricket tournament at Torrisholme Cricket Club.  Although it was a very hot day everyone was full of energy and enthusiasm throughout.  We had not played cricket together as a team before and so it was a brilliant opportunity to develop skills such…

30 May

Jam Club for Year 6

Year 6 had an exciting time at Jam (Jesus and Me!) Club today. Naomi and Jane came in and told us the story of Noah’s ark and God’s protection for Noah. We then had the challenge of protecting our own eggs. We worked in teams and with lots of different materials to create a protective layer around…