7 Mar

Y4 World Book Day

Today, we have celebrated World Book Day and we have had so much fun. Our costumes looked amazing! We have taken part in an online workshop led by the author-illustrator Thiago de Moraes who has written the book Mighty Myths. We were taught how to draw creatures that could feature in his book. We…

27 Feb

Understanding gravity

Today, we have learnt about Sir Isaac Newton and how he invented gravity. We used the Newton meters (which were named after him) to find out the mass and weight of objects and the link between the two.

13 Feb

Y3/4 Intra sports

Today, we have taken part in our Y3/4 Intra sports. We played bench ball and had to work as a team to score points. We used tactics and spatial awareness to outwit our opponents.

6 Feb

Can I make a switch?

We have discussed how switches work and why electrical appliances have them, as well as looking at different types of switches. We were then given paper, tin foil, paper clips, split pins and other resources to have a go at making different types of switches.

24 Jan

Making rectilinear shapes

Today, we were set the challenge of creating different rectilinear shapes using 12 matchsticks. We had to make different shapes and then work out the perimeter of each shape.

23 Jan

Which materials are electrical conductors?

In Science, we have been learning about electrical conductors and insulators. We carried out an experiment to work out which materials let the electricity flow through them so that the bulb lights up. By the end of the afternoon, we had worked out that metals are good electrical conductors and…

17 Jan

Y4 in training for the Roman Army

Marcus, a Roman soldier, visited Y4 today to show us what it would have been like all those years ago. We learnt how to follow commands, we held weapons and armour that would have been used in the Roman Army and we also had to identify different artefacts that were used in everyday life during…

17 Jan

Making circuits

Today, we have been recapping on how to make a simple circuit with a bulb from last week. We then adapted our circuit to include a motor and then a buzzer. It was lots of fun and our classroom was very noisy! We also had to test circuits to see if they were complete or incomplete.

16 Jan

Fantasy objects

In English, we have been looking at the key features of a fantasy story. We were shown a variety of different objects and had to imagine what magical powers they could have. What good imaginations we have!

10 Jan

Gymnastics in Y4

We have been learning counter balances in our PE lesson today. Coach Millie has been teaching us how to use a partner to create balances.

9 Jan

Learning about Electricity

Today, we have started our Science unit on ‘Electricity’. We discussed what an ‘appliance’ is and which appliances use electricity. We sorted different appliances into those that use mains powered electricity and those that use battery powered using a Venn diagram. We also looked at the different…

22 Nov

The Water Cycle

Our display in class is helping us to remember the different stages of the water cycle for when we write our explanation text.