10 Mar

Signs of spring

We looked at different types of flowers in our Scotforth garden. We spotted daffodils, crocus’ and bluebells too. We looked at how they started- as bulbs. 

10 Mar

Spotting Our Horse-chestnut tree changing through the seasons.

When we went on out autumn walk, we spotted the green leaves that had fallen down and collected cookers in their spikey casing.

When we came to see the tree in winter, we saw it had lost most of it’s leaves. 

Today we came back too see if had changed. We could now see big brown buds at…

10 Mar

Counting in 2’s

We spotted patterns when counting in 2s on an 100 square.

9 Mar

Year 1 Phonic Hunt

We had to hunt around the playground finding phonic sounds. Every time we saw one we read it and shouted it out. We all enjoyed our Phonic Hunt.

9 Mar

Counting in 2’s

We have been practising counting in 2’s with objects and numbers.

17 Dec

Christmas Pantomime

We enjoyed watching the Cinderella pantomime in class.  

16 Dec

Christmas Party

We also had a special visitor to our party! 

16 Dec

Christmas Party

We had good fun designing our party hats after our Christmas Lunch. We also played party games and enjoyed lots of dancing. 

15 Dec

Toy Day

We had a good selection of dinosaurs who came to visit us on “ Toy Day”.

15 Dec

Toy Day

We had fun finding out about the toys and games we brought from home.

15 Dec

Toy Day

We all brought some toys in from home. We showed them to our friends and we discussed the materials they were made out of. We drew our toys looking closely at their features and we had time showing them to our friends.

7 Dec

Life Education Visit

We also met a special guest.... Harold!!!