6 Nov

Number Facts ( Magnetic Numbers)

We made number equations using magnetic numbers.

6 Nov

Number Facts ( dice)

We used number dice to make some number fact equations.

6 Nov

Exploring Number Facts (Number Fans)

We used Number fans to make some number fact equations.

20 Oct

Smelling Experiment

As part of our “Ourselves” topic, we looked at our 5 senses. We had a smelling experiment where we predicted what we thought was in each cup and discussed whether the smell was sweet/sour/liked/disliked. Then we revealed what each cup contained. We had some surprising ones! 

20 Oct

Fruit Salads

We designed a fruit salad as part of our ‘Ourselves- Healthy Eating’ topic. We chose fruits we liked and even tried some fruits that we had never tasted before. We ate our fruit salads and evaluated what we liked or disliked about it. 

20 Oct

Fruit Salads

We designed a fruit salad as part of our ‘Ourselves- Healthy Eating’ topic. We chose fruits we liked and even tried some fruits that we had never tasted before. We ate our fruit salads and evaluated what we liked or disliked about it. 

20 Oct

Fruit Salads

20 Oct

Fruit Salads

We designed a fruit salad as part of our ‘Ourselves- Healthy Eating’ topic. We chose fruits we liked and even tried some fruits that we had never tasted before. We ate our fruit salads and evaluated what we liked or disliked about it. 

20 Oct

Fruit Salads

We designed a fruit salad as part of our ‘Ourselves- Healthy Eating’ topic. We chose fruits we liked and even tried some fruits that we had never tasted before. We ate our fruit salads and evaluated what we liked or disliked about it. 

14 Oct

Continuous Provision- Creative Area

We have been practising our cutting and sticking skills in the making area this week. 

12 Oct

Dominos- Continuous Provision

We have had fun with Number dominos in the Maths area this week. 

7 Oct

Greater than / Less Than Activity

We used the greater than and less than number frames to explore numbers using autumn objects and magnetic numbers. We made sure we “chomped” the greater numbers!