9 Mar

World Book Day Y6

We had a great time on a World Book Day - dressing up, decorating potatoes and enjoying a book character trail with our buddies all around the school.


6 Mar

Fred the Tortoise

We had a wonderful visit from Fred the tortoise today. We found out some amazing facts and we didn’t realise how quick tortoises could move! We looked at the features of a tortoise e.g his beak, his claws and his amazing shell. 


6 Mar

Share a story

Thank you to the parents who came to read to our children today. We thoroughly enjoyed it !

6 Mar

Let's Dance

Coach Louise taught Year 4 a dance and we performed it to the rest of the school.

6 Mar

Egyptian Day

We had a fantastic Egyptian Day. Our costumes were amazing and we had lots of fun making Egyptian bread, playing games and becoming mummies! 

6 Mar

Friction investigation

We have carried out a variety of investigations to understand and learn more about friction.

5 Mar

Year 4 Drama

5 Mar

Nursery enjoy Shrove Tuesday!

Today we talked about it being a special day and looked inside Mrs Atkinson's shopping bag. She had flour, eggs, milk and fruit. We chatted about how we are getting ready for Easter and learnt a new pancake song,

Mix a pancake,

Stir a pancake,

Pop it in a pan.

Fry the pancake,


1 Mar

Year 4 and 5 Football Morning

Year 4 and 5 girls attended a football morning at the University of Cumbria. They learnt new skills and played some matches. 

28 Feb

African Land Snail

Yesterday, we had a special visitor in our class.....an African Land Snail! We looked at what it ate, it’s habitat and  it’s shell. We learnt lots of facts and thought of lots of questions. 

27 Feb

Bikeability training

Year 6 have been learning how to ride their bikes safely on the roads with the help of the Go Velo Bikeability instructors. First they practised on the school playground before venturing out onto the local streets.