2 Sep

Welcome to Scotforth Class of 2020

First Day



17 Jul

New Starters

24 Apr

Your favourite SPaG game is back Year 3!

Are you ready to play the game?

You need to think of:

3 adverbs beginning with n;

3 verbs beginning with e;


3 adjectives beginning with c.

Need a reminder of what these types of words are? Click here

31 Mar


Bonjour Year 3!

How many questions can you come up with that have the answer 25? Try to make your questions different using addition, subtraction, multiplication or division. Can you use more than one in the same question?

À bientôt


17 Mar

Golden Pencil Award

Year Two have been working very hard to improve their letter formation in class.  Here we have our first winners of the Golden Pencil Award!  Huge to congratulations to all five of you (including the child not pictured), you are now ready to start joining your letters.


13 Mar

Our Finished Hand Puppets

Look at our fabulous finished puppets!!!

12 Mar

A visit from the Longs

In class over the last couple of weeks we have been learning about shape and today we were very lucky to be joined by Elijah's parents.  They came into school with a big box of polydrons so we could learn more about 2D and 3D shapes.  They taught us some very complicated shape names like a…

12 Mar

Learning about the Eucharist with Rev. Rebecca

Year 6 have been learning about the story of the Passover in the Old Testament and why it is such an important festival in the Jewish Faith. This week, they visited church, where Rev. Rebecca explained what happens in the Eucharist and how this is closely related to the events of the Passover.…

12 Mar

Our finished shelters

This week we have finally finisged our shelters in DT. The brief was to create strong shelters to suit playmobile people, which were waterproof and well insulated. Following the testing of a number of materials, and investigating how to create strong structures, we decided on the materials and…

12 Mar

Y3 Ballroom dancing rehearsals

Year 3 have been busy rehearsing their ballroom dancing routines, ready for their performance at Blackpool Tower Ballroom next Monday evening. They have been learning the jive and the waltz with coach Amy.

12 Mar

Mayans visit

On Friday afternoon. "Professor Tuesday" came to visit Y6 to tell us all about the Mayan civilisation of Central America. This included making a human timeline and handling lots of artefacts.

11 Mar

Making Hand Puppets

After exploring lots of other types of puppets, we decided to design and make our own hand puppets.  Take a look at our pictures to see all the things we had to do throughout the designing and making process.  Mrs Cross was really impressed with our skills and I'm sure you will all…