24 Mar

Year 1 Gymnastics Apparatus

We enjoyed practising our gymnastic sequences on the apparatus this week. 

24 Mar

Feel Good Friday- walk

We really enjoyed our local walk through the woods and onto the field. We looked at the nature around us, we talked, we laughed and we played lots of fun games. To make us feel even better ....the sun was shining ! Hooray

23 Mar

Investigating air resistance

Today we have been investigating air resistance by making different sized parachutes and dropping them from a height to observe the speed at which they fall. We found out that the larger the parachute the slower they fall as air resistance slows them down.

22 Mar


We have been building upon our own Matisse style collages. We have been practising the skill of plaiting and added it onto our collages.

22 Mar

Music Festival

Today the children took part in the Lancaster and District Schools’ Singing Festival at the Ashton Hall in Lancaster. They sang beautifully, remembered all the words and actions and even learnt some sign language too. What a credit to the school they all were. Well done Y4, we are really proud of…

22 Mar

Y2 Signs of Spring

Today we spent some time in the playground looking for signs of spring.  We found lots of shoots starting to appear and even saw some flowering plants too.

22 Mar

Investigating our home continent - Europe!

In geography we have started learning about Europe - our home continent. Today we looked at human features of different countries including languages, currency and flags. We used the internet and fact sheets to research these for lots of different European countries. 

22 Mar

Getting ready for Easter

We are waiting for Easter. We are making links between new life, spring and our animal topic.

22 Mar

Barton Grange

Two of our School Council have been working our how to make out grounds more "green". They met with Ruth and Sarah from Barton Grange and looked at possible designs for our ramp area.

On Tuesday they went to Barton Grange and bought items to help with this project with a voucher for £100 which…

20 Mar

Animals - Our Pets in Y1

We loved having Holly’s pet dog in today. We found out all about how to look later dogs, what he eats and what he likes. We asked lots of interesting questions. 
Thank you so much

18 Mar

Investigating chocolate production - is it fair?

As the culmination of their geography work on world trade, Year 6 used all their knowledge to help them understand the supply chain involved in chocolate production. They were shocked to find that from the £1 retail price of a bar of chocolate, the cocoa farmers in Ghana only receive 8p! Through…

17 Mar

Reflection investigation

Which materials reflect light the best? Year 3 investigated this today. We found  that shinier materials and white materials were better at reflecting light and that black was very bad for reflection.