10 Nov

Pastel Sparkler

Look at the amazing detail on these beautiful sparkler pictures.

10 Nov

Pastel Fireworks

Look at our beautiful pastel sparkler pictures. We worked really carefully to make sure they only smudged where we wanted them to.

10 Nov

Portrait Gallery

Just a few of the fabulous self portraits that we’ve been creating recently.  As you can see we have been using lots of different media to colour them in.

9 Nov

Bonfire Collage

This week we did an art project inspired by Bonfire Night.  We worked in teams to create a bonfire collage.

8 Nov

God and His Creation!

Year 1 started their new RE unit last week: God and His Creation!

We started by discussing what being creative actually means and how it makes us feel, through watching video clips of characters being creative in different scenes. (see below for these video links) We looked at how the…

7 Nov

BUZZING with Excitement for our Circuits Unit!

Year 6 explored the exciting world of Electrical Circuits this week and refreshed their learning and knowledge from Year 4 before moving onto understanding, building from, and drawing circuit diagrams using symbols for a range of components.

Year 6's top tips for drawing circuit diagrams:


7 Nov

Using our own colour mixes

After mixing our own colours we created our own firework pictures.

7 Nov

Colour Mixing

We learnt all about the primary colours today.  We mixed them together to make orange, green and purple before using all six colours to paint a firework filled sky.

4 Nov

Reading our Bonfire Safety Instructions

We have written some safety instructions and we enjoyed sharing them with Reception class today. 

4 Nov

Eva Rothschild

Today, we began learning about the artist Eva Rothschild and her sculpture work. We used art straws to make our own sculptures in a similar style.


4 Nov

Y4 Intrasports

We have completed our class Intrasports today. We practised dribbling the ball and played mini invasion games using the skills we have been taught last half term.

3 Nov

Where is the best place to dry our washing?

Today, we have been learning about evaporation. Lots of different materials could be seen hanging around school because Y4 were trying to find out where the best place was to dry our washing. We had a discussion about the most suitable conditions to dry clothes and decided that it needed to be…