22 Mar

Barton Grange

Two of our School Council have been working our how to make out grounds more "green". They met with Ruth and Sarah from Barton Grange and looked at possible designs for our ramp area.

On Tuesday they went to Barton Grange and bought items to help with this project with a voucher for £100 which…

20 Mar

Animals - Our Pets in Y1

We loved having Holly’s pet dog in today. We found out all about how to look later dogs, what he eats and what he likes. We asked lots of interesting questions. 
Thank you so much

18 Mar

Investigating chocolate production - is it fair?

As the culmination of their geography work on world trade, Year 6 used all their knowledge to help them understand the supply chain involved in chocolate production. They were shocked to find that from the £1 retail price of a bar of chocolate, the cocoa farmers in Ghana only receive 8p! Through…

17 Mar

Reflection investigation

Which materials reflect light the best? Year 3 investigated this today. We found  that shinier materials and white materials were better at reflecting light and that black was very bad for reflection.


14 Mar

Indoor Athletics County Finals

We were extremely proud of all the children who represented the Lancaster region at the Regional County Finals today. They all did brilliantly showing resilience and amazing teamwork and support. We came 9th in the competition, which is amazing! Well done to all. 

14 Mar

Investigating History - Primary and Secondary Sources

In history we have been learning about the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. We have learnt all about the Anglo-Saxon gods and today we found out about how Christianity returned to Britain (Christian missionaries had first come during a Roman times). We met three important missionaries (Columbus,…

14 Mar

Springing to Life!

In Year 1 we have been learning about Spring time and how new life can sprout and flourish at this time of year. We looked at a range of seeds and marvelled at how such a tiny thing can create something that we can eat or admire! We then planted some seeds in our teams and made sure to give them…

14 Mar

Performing Poetry!

In Year 5 we have been enjoying The Highwayman, a classic poem by Alfred Noyes.  We have explored its language and written our own stories and verses based on it.  We have also been learning it off by heart.  Today we performed some of the verses together.  This is the first verse.  We hope you…

14 Mar

Sequencing the Easter Week!

Year 2 did a fantastic job of sequencing the Easter story, starting with Palm Sunday all the way through to Easter Sunday!


13 Mar

The Fresh Prince of… Year 5!

In music we have been learning about Hip Hop and particularly the song ‘The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air’. Some of us have even started watching the series from the 90s… parents may remember it too! We were amazed at how fast the words are but have been practising hard to fit them in. We hope you enjoy…

13 Mar

Arty Animal Competition

There was an amazing array of art work on show in the School Council's Arty Animal Competition on Friday. The children's work was creative, innovative and so varied across all the classes. Cathy, from Animal Care, had the very hard job of choosing the winners from each class. They were Betty,…

10 Mar

Spring......or Winter?!

We never expected snow in March so we made the most of it today and had fun playing outside building snowmen.