2 Feb

Which materials are electrical conductors?

We have been investigating which materials are electrical conductors by placing different objects in a circuit. An electrical conductor lights the bulb up and an electrical insulator does not. We concluded that metals are electrical conductors.

2 Feb

The Great Scotforth Bread Bake Off

Today we finished off our bread by decorating it using icing, chocolate and sweets. Our bread had to look like our designs when it was finished. Mrs Walsh and Mrs Cocker were the judges. It was their job to choose winners for 3 categories.

Congratulations to our winners 

Monty, Gigi, Izzy…

1 Feb

Gymnastic balances

Year 6 have been working on developing their gymnastic skills this half term. So far we have practised mirrored and matched balances, including counter balance and counter tension balances. Today we moved on to plan routines including working on a piece of apparatus. There were some great ideas…

1 Feb

Year 4 DT

Year 4 have been making buildings with security lights. As part of our topic, Let’s Travel, we have thought about how we can keep our home safe when we go on a journey. The security lights are triggered when pressure is put on the doormat. The internal circuit is completed.
We had to design our…

1 Feb

Bread making using our own designs

Today we made our own bread using our designs. The basic recipe was the same but some of us chose whole meal or 50:50 rather than white bread. We chose whether to add extra ingredients to the mixture before leaving it to rise. The bread was then cooked. 

Tomorrow we will be decorating our…

31 Jan

Passover 2023

Today Year 6 re-enacted a Passover meal. As we tried each of the symbolic foods we recalled the story of the Exodus. We tried to imagine what a Jewish family might be feeling and the significance it holds for them. You can probably tell by the photos who tried the bitter herbs; which remind Jewish…

30 Jan

Voici les Sept Jours de la Semaine (Here are the Seven Days of the Week)!

In French we have been learning to say the date and our birthdays. We are pretty good at the days of the week now as we know a good song to help us remember them! Today we made paper ‘fortune tellers’ to help practise saying them.


30 Jan

The Stilling of the Storm!

Today we heard the Bible story where Jesus stilled the storm and saved his friends from drowning! We learned how this amazing act shows Jesus' power and miraculous abilities. We acted out the story in groups and recorded how we would have felt during the storm whilst Jesus was sleeping and after…

27 Jan

The Digestive System in Action

Today we have been following the path of food through the digestive system from beginning to end. It was messy but lots of fun. 

26 Jan

Y2 Large Apparatus

In P.E. this half term we have been developing our gymnastics skills.  We have learnt how to jump, roll, travel and balance.  We also practised putting these actions together to create a sequence.  In these pictures, you can see us applying our skills on the large apparatus.  It was trickier than…

25 Jan

Y2 Marshmallow Maths

In maths we have been learning all about 2D and 3 D shapes.  It is really tricky to know how many vertices a 3D shape has so Mrs Cross challenged us to make some using mini marshmallows and cocktail sticks.  They were tricky to make too but we managed it in the end.  Counting marshmallows was…

25 Jan


In literacy today we used a technique called ‘hotseating’ to find out more about the characters in our story.  The person in the hotseat today was a wolf from the pack.  They had to think carefully about how they felt on their long, dangerous journey and explain their feelings when they realised…