A rainbow to remind us
After listening to the story of Noah’s Ark, the children wanted to make their own rainbow. They have gathered loose parts from all around Nursery to create it. We talked about the colours needed and what indigo and violet might look like.

Chinese New Year
We have celebrated with our friends in Nursery. We have taken part in lots of craft activities and tried to eat Chinese food with chopsticks.

Year 4 DT morning
This morning Mrs Atkinson, our subject leader for DT, came to teach in Year 4. The children discussed British dishes and where the ingredients came from. Next, they practised spreading, chopping, grating and cutting skills whilst making a cheese sandwich. We then made Welsh rarebit using bread,…

Year 4 Matchstick Perimeter
We have been learning all about perimeter. Today, we were finding the perimeter of rectilinear shapes so we used a certain amount of matchsticks to make different shapes before working out the perimeter.

Cheese Scones
Today we have made cheese scones in Year 5. The DT skills we were focusing on were mixing, rubbing in and grating. We compared the making process with our bread from last week and found the similarities and differences.

Garden time.
Reception Class enjoyed time outside this afternoon. Working in teams, we went on a Woodland hunt. Trying hard to find all the natural things on our list.

Celebrating Chinese New Year
We had a lovely morning with our Nursery friends. We were celebrating Chinese New Year. We completed lots of Chinese New Year related activities.

People Who Help Us- Firefighters
We enjoyed listening to the Firemen from Lancaster about their job and how they help people. We asked some great questions e.g where do you get the water from ? We learnt lots of new facts.

People Who Help Us
Thank you to Mrs Kornas who came to talk to us today about how she helps people in her job. We had just excellent questions to ask her!

Making circuits
We have been investigating how to make different circuits today. They included either a bulb, a buzzer or a motor. We then drew each circuit showing all the components used.

Year 4 Ludus Dance
Year 4 are enjoying a series of workshops led by Ludus Dance and More Music in Morecambe. We have learnt all about germs and how they affect our bodies.

Y1 Making Bread like Little Red Hen
We have been reading the story of Little Red Hen in our English. We discussed where the ingredients come from and we had a go at making our own bread. We looked at the skills of sifting, mixing and kneading.