The Water Cycle in a bag
The window in our classroom is decorated with food bags! We have drawn the water cycle on the bags and are looking at them daily to see the different processes of evaporation, condensation and precipitation happening.
Identifying trees/plants in the school garden
We followed the map to identify the different plants we have growing in our beautiful school garden.
We found a Mint plant, Rosemary, Hyacinth and a blossom tree to name just a few.
Decimal Jewellery Making in Year 5!
Today we started our new maths topic (Decimals, Fractions and Percentages) by making jewellery. We each cut up a whole straw (worth one) into ten equal pieces (worth a tenth) and made this into a tenths necklace. Then we took a tenth piece of straw and cut this up into ten equal pieces (worth a…
Ordering the Easter Story
Today we came back after our Easter holidays and looked again at the events of the first Easter. We had to order images from the story. It was quite tricky and we had to look carefully at clues (such as a cockerel, dice and a kiss) to work out what was happening in each story. We then read the…
Egg rolling in the sunshine
On Friday we rolled our painted eggs down the slopes at school. Everyone’s egg made it to the bottom where we exchanged it for a treat.
Reception Prize Winners.
Congratulations to the prize winners. We have all worked super hard in Reception. Well done to the whole class.
Ukraine donations
Thank you so much for your donations - we took them to the Morecambe collection point and they will be sent to the border of Ukraine next week. It was amazing to see how much was sent in.
KS1 Intra-sports
Team work and orienteering to find the hidden eggs. Well done for all teams showing good sportsmanship.
Year 6 Bikeability
Everyone inYear 6 had the opportunity to take part in Bikeability training this week, making sure we have the knowledge and experience to ride our bikes on the road safely for ourselves and other road users. This involved two full days of practice with instructors Anne and Dawn. We began on the…