Shelters - The making begins!
After investigating suitable materials and experimenting with different structures, today we put all our learning together to design and then begin making the shelters for our play mobile families. We began by focusing on building a strong framework. We all decided to use wood to build our frames…
Year 4 RE
Year 4 have been looking at the concepts of trust and betrayal linked to the Easter story. As an introduction to this topic we played some trust games in the playground.
Trip to Wildlife Oasis
What a brilliant trip! We learned so much about the animals and the habitats that suit them best.
Nursery trip to Wildlife Oasis
We had a fantastic visit to the Wildlife Oasis in Milnthorpe today !
We had a look around the mini beasts area and looked closely at the stick insects, ants and cockroaches. Some of us felt brave enough to gently stroke the lizard and the python!
We played in the sand next to the meerkats…
North, South, East, West!
We used compasses to direct our partners around the playground. We directed them using the language north, south, east and west. We enjoyed making up silly rhymes to remember the compass points. Naughty, Silly, Earth, Worm was one of our favourites and Naughty, Elephants, Squirt, Water.
Forces in Action!
This term we've been learning all about forces- air resistance couldn't hold us back; we got a good grip on gravity; things heated up when we learned about friction and we were swept away by water resistance! Therefore, we couldn't wait to see what we would get our hands on this week...…
Investigating Materials!
This afternoon, Year 6 have been testing the durability, strength and water-resistance of various materials so that they can move on to the next stage in the process: designing a shelter that will comfortably house 4 toy statues and can withstand 100ml of 'rain', survive 30 seconds of 'wild…
Garden Time
This week we enjoyed collecting natural objects from the garden and then we described what we had found to our friends without them being able to see the object.
Investigating water resistance
We have discussed the shapes of fish and boats. We moulded plastercine into different shapes to see which travelled the fastest through water. Then we used words such as ‘streamline’, ‘water resistance’ and ‘contact forces’ to explain what was happening. The cone was the…
Learning about Fair Trade
Year 6 concluded their work on trade by learning about Fair Trade. We were shocked to find out that if a banana were to cost 30p for us to buy in the supermarket, banana plantation workers would only receive 1p. We thought they deserved more than this after finding out about how hard their job is.…
Year 4 rivers lesson
Year 4 have been having fun making models of rivers with Miss Flynn in their Geography lesson.
3D Shapes
We also looked carefully at the 3D shapes and drew around each face. This helped us to see the shapes of the different faces.