14 Jul

Sailing Boats

Look at our fantastic boat pictures inspired by the artwork of Chas Jacobs and JMW Turner.


13 Jul

NISCU Year 6 transition lesson

We have all been enjoying the weekly NISCU “disassembles” in our class worship times. Today Year 6 enjoyed an actual, rather than virtual, visit from Debbie and Johnny. They looked at the story of Joseph and the many changes and challenges he faced in his life, before thinking about changes in our…

13 Jul

NISCU visit to Year 6

We have all been enjoying the weekly NISCU “disassembles” in our class worship times. Today Year 6 enjoyed an actual, rather than virtual, visit from Debbie and Johnny. They looked at the story of Joseph and the many changes and challenges he faced in his life, before thinking about changes in our…

13 Jul

Daniel in the Lions' Den

In RE today we learned about the story of Daniel in the Lions' den. We had great fun acting out the story afterwards.

13 Jul

Sports Day Winners

Well done ! 

13 Jul

Sports Day Winners

Well done! 

13 Jul

Y1 Sports Day- drinks break

It was a hot day so we made sure we had lots of drinks and we cooled down in the shade.

13 Jul

Y1 Sports Day

We competed in a sack race. 

13 Jul

Y1 Sports Day-races

We enjoyed our sports day. We had the team games and individual races. We all worked together and displayed excellent sportsmanship. 

13 Jul

Y1 Sports Day-team games

We had 4 activities throwing for distance, throwing for accuracy,  relay and dribbling. We worked well as a team scoring as many points as we could. We supported each other throughout. 

13 Jul

Y1 Sports Day-races

On your marks, get set....GO!