17 Sep


Today we have looked in our Harvest chatterbox . We found a tractor and lots of different vegetables and fruit. We talked about some of the fruit being picked in hot countries. We found out that our bananas came from Costa Rica.

16 Sep

Thursday at Lockerbie Manor!

Our penultimate day at Lockerbie has been jam-packed with tough targets, tricky team-building tasks and towering heights! We’ve have great fun when facing our fears at the Manor's enormous climbing wall, straining to reach the next level on Jacob's Tower, and when learning how to take time and…

16 Sep

Our Ideal Classroom

In PSHE we have been thinking about our happy places and how we could bring elements of these into our classroom.  We came up with some fabulous ideas about how to create a more positive environment for everyone. Being kind, sharing, playing more, having fun, laughing, smiley faces, stars and even…

16 Sep

Particles in solids

We have been looking at solids, liquids and gases and their properties. We had lots of fun using the Easi-scopes to look at magnified particles in ‘solids that behave like liquids’. 

15 Sep

Wednesday at Lockerbie

The sun has been shining all day today. Some of us enjoyed time on the lake again, this time building and testing rafts. We have also been mountain bike riding and had a fencing lesson. This afternoon some groups tackled the obstacle course, whilst others had to use their teamwork skills in a…

15 Sep

Y2 Name Art

Look at our lovely name art.

15 Sep

Self Portraits

We enjoyed looking at our own faces and drawing a self-portrait. We also looked at the different media that created dark and light colours.

14 Sep

Day 2 at Lockerbie Manor

We woke up to rain this morning, but we enjoyed a hearty breakfast before venturing out to go orienteering and learn survival skills. Thankfully it stopped raining in the afternoon. We had a great time on the lake canoeing and kayaking. We finished the day with abseiling or tackling the high ropes…

13 Sep

Year 6 arrive at Lockerbie Manor

Year 6 arrived at Lockerbie Manor this afternoon to begin their week of outdoor and adventurous activities. After settling into their dorms, they split into groups to enjoy various activities including the obstacle course, blind trail, zip wire and low ropes course. They also enjoyed their first…

13 Sep

We are Special

We painted our faces and carefully added our features. We thought about what we were really good at and made us proud of ourselves.

13 Sep

Ordering numbers to 20

We have been ordering numbers to 20 and looking at the value of numbers.

9 Sep

First week of Y1 in the Creative area

We enjoyed completing the ‘make a face’ challenge in the creative area.