Year 4 NISCU visit
Yesterday afternoon Diana from NISCU came to give us an RE lesson based on Jesus the light of the World. We found Bible quotes, discussed how Jesus could show us the light and made paper lanterns.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
This morning 3 ladies visited us from the Soroptomist International. They had made us a beautiful story sack full of things from the story. The children all sat and listened to the retelling and then got to play with the objects. We are looking forward to our next book, The enormous turnip. Thank…
What is a sentence?
We are learning what makes a sentence a sentence. We know they need capital letters and full stops, and that they need to make sense. It is much trickier to spot a sentence when the punctuation has been taken away. Here we are using blu tack to locate the end of sentences. It was very…
No Greengrocer's Apostrophes Allowed Here!
In English we have started a new unit all about the British polar explorer, Ernest Shackleton! One of the books we are using within the unit is William Grill's "Shackleton's Journey". With a title like that, it would be daft not to recap apostrophes for possession and omission and work hard to…
Year 4 Art based on the artist and architect Hundertwasser
The children have designed their own pictures in the style of the artist Hundertwasser. Eventually these will be made into calendars for 2022. Don’t the pictures look bright and colourful?
Which toys did our grandparents play with?
They enjoyed looking at this old till. We looked at the different materials and compared to a modern till.
Which toys did our grandparents play with?
We have been looking at some old toys and the different materials used. This was a metal tractor and a wooden truck. Thank you to our wonderful parents for bringing in old toys and asking grandparents what they played with.
Knitting club
Year 6 are enjoying learning new skills in Knitting Club. Thank you to Miss Goddard, one of our school governors, for her time (and patience!) in running the group.
Y5/6 Football Tournament
Well done to the y5/6 children who took part in the football competition at Moorside school- the first one for over 18months! We did well reaching the semi-finals and just missing out after a tense penalty shootout. The children worked well as a team and represented the school…
Day and Night
Today in Science we have been finding out about day and night and how they occur. In pairs one of us was the Sun and the other the Earth. As Earth spun on its own axis we watched the Sun appear and day begin. England was warmed and lit by the Sun all day before night fell and it grew darker and…
Investigating Europe
Today we started our new topic in geography: Europe! We looked at the countries in each part of Europe (Northern, Southern, Eastern and Western) and tried to memorise some of their names and locations. Some, like Italy and Greece had very obvious shapes but others were much harder! We also learnt…
Fencing Club-pupil voice
The pupils asked for a fencing club, we listened !
The children are really enjoying the club